Quotes of Fiendish - somelinesforyou

“ See! those fiendish lineaments graven on the darkness, the writhed lip of scorn, the mockery of that living eye, the pointed finger, touching the sore place in your heart! Do you remember any act of enormous folly, at which you would blush, even in the remotest cavern of the earth? Then recognize your Shame. ”

- Nathaniel Hawthorne

“ What more fiendish proof of cosmic irresponsibility than a Nature which, having invented sex as a way to mix genes, then permits to arise, amid all its perfumed and hypnotic inducements to mate, a tireless tribe of spirochetes and viruses that torture and kill us for following orders? ”

- John Updike

“ Lolly was possessed by a fiendish, auntielike excitement when on the trail of a hot exclusive, and would sit at her telephone all night long if necessary, interpreting the denials of those she was interrogating as the great horned owl interprets the squeaking of distant mice. ”

- Paul O’Neil
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