Quotes of Fidelity - somelinesforyou

“ Fidelity is seven-tenths of business success. ”

- James Parton

“ Not observation of a duty but liberty itself is the pledge that assures fidelity. ”

- Ellen Key

“ Nothing is more noble, nothing more venerable than fidelity. Faithfulness and truth are the most sacred excellences and endowments of the human mind. ”

- Marcus Tullius Cicero

“ Fidelity. A virtue peculiar to those who are about to be betrayed. ”

- Ambrose Bierce

“ Total loyalty is possible only when fidelity is emptied of all concrete content, from which changes of mind might naturally arise. ”

- Hannah Arendt

“ Fidelity purchased with money, money can destroy. ”

- Marcus Annaeus Seneca

“ Another of our highly prized virtues is fidelity. We are immensely pleased with ourselves when we are faithful. ”

- Ida R. Wylie

“ FIDELITY, n. A virtue peculiar to those who are about to be betrayed. ”

- Ambrose Bierce

“ True happiness…is not attained through self-gratification, but through fidelity to a worthy purpose. ”

- Helen Keller

“ What is conservatism? Is it not adherence to the old and tried, against the new and untried? ”

- Abraham Lincoln

“ Drinking beer is easy. Trashing your hotel room is easy. But being a Christian, that's a tough call. That's rebellion. ”

- Alice Cooper

“ Being a Christian is more than just an instantaneous conversion - it is a daily process whereby you grow to be more and more like Christ. ”

- Billy Graham

“ People who love only once in their lives are shallow people. What they call their loyalty, and their fidelity, I call either the lethargy of custom or their lack of imagination. Faithfulness is to the emotional life what consistency is to the life of the intellect — simply a confession of failures. ”

- Oscar Wilde

“ Constancy is the complement of all other human virtues. ”

- Giuseppe Mazzini

“ An ideal wife is one who remains faithful to you but tries to be just as charming as if she weren't.'. ”

- Sacha Guitry

“ I believe in a kind of fidelity to your own early ideas; it's a kind of antagonism in me to prevailing fads. ”

- Grace Paley

“ Matrimonial devotion doesn't seem to suit her notion. ”

- W. S. Gilbert

“ Constancy… that small change of love, which people exact so rigidly, receive in such counterfeit coin, and repay in baser metal. ”

- Lord Byron

“ Sometimes party loyalty asks too much. ”

- John Fitzgerald Kennedy

“ Have you never been moved by poor men's fidelity, the image of you they form in their simple minds? Why should you always talk of their envy, without understanding that what they ask of you is not so much your worldly goods, as something very hard to define, which they themselves can put no name to; yet at times it consoles their loneliness; a dream of splendor, of magnificence, a tawdry dream, a poor man's dream — and yet God blesses it! ”

- Georges Bernanos

“ There is something in the unselfish and self-sacrificing love of a brute, which goes directly to the heart of him who has had frequent occasion to test the paltry friendship and gossamer fidelity of mere Man. ”

- Edgar Allan Poe

“ What a fuss people make about fidelity! Why, even in love it is purely a question for physiology. It has nothing to do with our own will. Young men want to be faithful, and are not; old men want to be faithless, and cannot: that is all one can say. ”

- Oscar Wilde

“ Peace demands the most heroic labor and the most difficult sacrifice. It demands greater heroism than war. It demands greater fidelity to the truth and a much more perfect purity of conscience. The Christian fight for peace is not to be confused with defeatism. ”

- Thomas Merton

“ Loyalty is what we seek in friendship. ”

- Marcus Tullius Cicero

“ Be slow to fall into friendship; but when thou art in, continue firm and constant. ”

- Socrates

“ Pleas'd to the last he crops the flowery food, And licks the hand just rais'd to shed his blood. ”

- Alexander Pope

“ They spoil every romance by trying to make it last forever. ”

- Oscar Wilde

“ Loyalty is what we seek in friendship. ”

- Cicero

“ The scholar does not consider gold and jade to be precious treasures, but loyalty and good faith. ”

- Confucius

“ It was patriotism, not communism, that inspired me. ”

- Ho Chi Minh
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