Quotes of Festival - somelinesforyou

“ I'm not going to be caught around here for any fool celebration. To hell with birthdays! ”

- Norman Rockwell

“ Life is a festival only to the wise. ”

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

“ Birthdays are nature's way of telling us to eat more cake. ”

- Unknown

“ The surest guide to the correctness of the path that women take is joy in the struggle. Revolution is the festival of the oppressed. ”

- Germaine Greer

“ There is nothing funny about Halloween. This sarcastic festival reflects, rather, an infernal demand for revenge by children on the adult world. ”

- Jean Baudrillard

“ Irish Fest is known at home in Ireland as one of the biggest and most popular celebrations of Irish culture anywhere in the world. ”

- Mary McAleese

“ Fly free and happy beyond birthdays and across forever, and we'll meet now and then when we wish, in the midst of the one celebration that never can end. ”

- Richard Bach

“ Revolution is the festival of the oppressed. ”

- Germaine Greer

“ Diwali is the biggest festival, so people spend all their money. ”

- Unknown

“ Washington's birthday is as close to a secular Christmas as any Christian country dare come this side of blasphemy. ”

- Alistair Cooke

“ Everything being a constant carnival, there is no carnival left. ”

- Victor Hugo

“ Seasons pursuing each other the indescribable crowd is gathered, it is the fourth of Seventh-month, ”

- Walt Whitman

“ We always buy new dresses for the children on Dushera and Diwali and hence, we are here. ”

- Unknown

“ Hanukkah is the ideal holiday to heal the pain because one of its major themes is the triumph of good over evil. ”

- Unknown

“ This festival is about wishing others prosperity and joy in the coming year. ”

- Unknown

“ Diwali is a festival that is dear to all, even to the Sikhs and the celebrations at the Golden Temple have always been a special attraction. ”

- Unknown

“ More people can relate to (Hanukkah) because more people are facing hardships. ”

- Unknown

“ You are welcome to the festival of lights, which reflects the beauty of the fest that good always victory over bad and brightness victory over darkness. ”

- Unknown

“ Consent to me to make your Diwali more bright and colorful with the enlightenment of wishes of my heart, hope this auspicious Diwali burn your old bad period and light your way in good period. ”

- Unknown

“ From morning till night May your Diwali be bright And as festival comes and go May your happiness grow And yours dreams be fulfilled even more. ”

- Unknown

“ May you have fun, laughter and cheer in this festive season of Diwali. And may God's blessings be shower upon you. ”

- Unknown

“ Today I feel gifted and blessed that my Diwali is full of affection, love, celebrations as it was always. May God always keep his blessings on us like this. ”

- Unknown

“ Fortunate is the one who has learned to admire, but not to envy. Good wishes for a joyous Diwali with a plenty of peace and prosperity. ”

- Unknown

“ Deepawali mein deepo ka didar Khusiyo ke sath mubarak hazaar. ”

- Unknown

“ It's not only a Jewish message but a universal message of hope in the face of tyranny and darkness. ”

- Unknown

“ Martha's Holidays 2005. ”

- Martha Stewart

“ Holidays help because they come with stories, and the Hanukkah story is good for relaying that the divine pervades everything, even darkness. ”

- Unknown

“ Hanukkah has very little accouterments attached to it... Besides dreidels and gold, foil-wrapped coins, the menorah is the way to showcase the holiday. ”

- Unknown

“ Let this diwali burn all your bad times and enter you in good times. ”

- Unknown

“ Put on your yarmulke, Here comes Hanukkah! So much funukah, To celebrate Hanukkah! Hanukkah is the festival of lights. Instead of one day of presents, we have eight crazy nights. ”

- Adam Sandler
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