Quotes of Exacerbate - somelinesforyou

“ By speaking, by thinking, we undertake to clarify things. That forces us to exacerbate them, dislocate them, schematize them. Every concept is in itself an exaggeration. ”

- Jose Ortega y Gasset

“ The final purpose of art is to intensify, even, if necessary, to exacerbate, the moral consciousness of people. ”

- Norman Mailer

“ The best results are achieved by using the right amount of effort in the right place at the right time. And this right amount is usually less than we think we need. In other words, the less unnecessary effort you put into learning, the more successful you'll be… the key to faster learning is to use appropriate effort… ”

- Tony Buzan

“ the best results are achieved by using the right amount of effort in the right place at the right time. And this right amount is usually less than we think we need. In other words, the less unnecessary effort you put into learning, the more successful you'll be…the key to faster learning — is to use appropriate effort… Greater effort can exacerbate faulty patterns of action… ”

- Michael Gelb and Tony Buzan
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