Quotes of Eucharist - somelinesforyou

“ Vaccination is the medical sacrament corresponding to baptism. ”

- Samuel Butler

“ The kernel is the belief that God is love and, in Catholicism, God's love is present in the world. It is in the sacraments, in the Eucharist, in our families, in our friends, in our neighborhood, and forgiveness in the touch of a friendly hand, in a rediscovered love God is there. ”

- Andrew Greeley

“ The Sacrament of the Eucharist is, of course, one step away from the Incarnation itself, where the thing signified were absolutely one. Symbol and sign and metaphor strain towards this union; Sacrament presents it, but the Incarnation is that perfect union… ”

- Thomas Howard

“ But that means that the Eucharist is far more than just a meal; it has cost a death to provide it, and the majesty of death is present in it. Whenever we hold it, we should be filled with reverence in the face of this mystery, with awe in the face of this mysterious death the becomes a present reality in our midst. ”

- Joseph Ratzinger

“ The Christian feast, the Eucharist, plumbs the very depths of death. It is not just a matter of pious discourse and entertainment, of some kind of religious beautification, spreading a pious gloss on the world; it plumbs the very depths of existence, which it call death… what the tradition sums up in the sentence: The Eucharist is a sacrifice, the presentation of Jesus Christ's sacrifice on the Cross. ”

- Joseph Ratzinger
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