Quotes of Entanglement - somelinesforyou

“ That record companies are crap, insane, huge and messy non-decision making entanglements is just a fact. That's not the reason why things don't work. You've got to make the right record. ”

- David Gray

“ I see mysteries and complications wherever I look, and I have never met a steadily logical person. ”

- Martha Gellhorn

“ Love anything and your heart will be wrung and possibly broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact you must give it to no one, not even an animal. Wrap it carefully round with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements. Lock it up safe in the casket or coffin of your selfishness… ”

- C. S. Lewis

“ All Coolidge had to do in 1924 was to keep his mean trap shut, to be elected. All Harding had to do in 1920 was repeat "Avoid foreign entanglements." All Hoover had to do in 1928 was to endorse Coolidge. All Roosevelt had to do in 1932 was to point to Hoover. ”

- Robert E. Sherwood

“ It is clear that all verbal structures with meaning are verbal imitations of that elusive psychological and physiological process known as thought, a process stumbling through emotional entanglements, sudden irrational convictions, involuntary gleams of insight, rationalized prejudices, and blocks of panic and inertia, finally to reach a completely incommunicable intuition. ”

- Northrop Frye
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