Quotes of Entail - somelinesforyou

“ I'm not gonna become Ann Bancroft or Meryl Streep and have all the burden that being a serious actress entails. ”

- Cher

“ The concept of boredom entails an inability to use up present moments in a personally fulfilling way. ”

- Wayne Dyer

“ If we wish to free ourselves from enslavement, we must choose freedom and the responsibility this entails. ”

- Leo F. Buscaglia

“ Freedom of conscience entails more dangers than authority and despotism. ”

- Michel Foucault

“ Truly, to tell lies is not honorable; but when the truth entails tremendous ruin, To speak dishonorably is pardonable. ”

- Sophocles

“ Most people frequently encounter negative people in their lives and negative programming on television — which is exactly why so many people have opened their hearts to the positive oriented Oprah Winfrey and her show. Even when Oprah tackles negative issues, she brings out a positive lesson or message entailed in them. ”

- Mary Kay Ash

“ While the hero is acclaimed by others, courage entails a steadfast 'in spite of' — a self-confrontation in which we put ourselves on the line in an act of 'nevertheless.' Courage, then, has less to do with accomplishment than with the way we approach life. ”

- W. Paul Jones

“ My dearest wish is for the verdict of future generations to be for me and not against me, since I realize that shouldering responsibility at this point in time entails an acceptance of life's voyage under the most difficult circumstances, which are viciously inimical to those with a great heart and living conscience. ”

- King Hussein I

“ Your decision to be, have and do something out of ordinary entails facing difficulties that are out of the ordinary as well. Sometimes your greatest asset is simply your ability to stay with it longer than anyone else. ”

- Brian Tracy

“ The sense of an entailed disadvantage — the deformed foot doubtfully hidden by the shoe, makes a restlessly active spiritual yeast, and easily turns a self-centered, unloving nature into an Ishmaelite. But in the rarer sort, who presently see their own frustrated claim as one among a myriad, the inexorable sorrow takes the form of fellowship and makes the imagination tender. ”

- George Eliot
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