Quotes of Earthquake - somelinesforyou

“ Well, if the earthquake happens, I've got my steel-toed shoes and some rope, and we'll get down a mountain. ”

- Stevie Nicks

“ You can no more win a war than you can win an earthquake. ”

- Jeannette Rankin

“ In the middle of my third Hollywood picture The Magician, the earthquake hit Hollywood. Not the real earthquake. Just the talkies. ”

- Conrad Veidt

“ Thou shalt be visited of the LORD of hosts with thunder, and with earthquake, and great noise, with storm and tempest, and the flame of devouring fire. ”

- Bible

“ My luck is getting worse and worse. Last night, for instance, I was mugged by a quaker. ”

- Woody Allen

“ We learn geology the morning after the earthquake. ”

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

“ God speaks to me not through the thunder and the earthquake, nor through the ocean and the stars, but through the Son of Man, and speaks in a language adapted to my imperfect sight and hearing. ”

- William Lyon Phelps

“ The old Quaker was right: "I expect to pass through life but once. If there is any kindness, or any good thing I can do to my fellow beings, let me do it now. I shall pass this way but once. ". ”

- W. C. Gannett

“ You can no more win a war than win an earthquake. ”

- Jeanette Rankin

“ War prosperity is like the prosperity that an earthquake or a plague brings. ”

- Ludwig von Mises

“ I'm not the heroic type, really. I was beaten up by Quakers. ”

- Woody Allen

“ By some estimates, we think we're a few years overdue for at least a 6.5 magnitude earthquake. ”

- Jim Palmer

“ This is one of these things where, yes, something may have occurred before this one earthquake, but we don't see that kind of signal everywhere before big earthquakes. ”

- David Schwartz

“ I couldn't help but be impressed by the magnitude of the earthquake. ”

- Dan Quayle

“ Quakers almost as good as colored. They call themselves friends and you can trust them every time. ”

- Harriet Tubman

“ If I could believe the Quakers banned music because church music is so damn bad, I should view them with approval. ”

- Ezra

“ Poetry is the lava of the imagination whose eruption prevents an earthquake. ”

- Lord Byron

“ Which would you rather have, a bursting planet or an earthquake here and there? ”

- John Joseph Lynch

“ There is no such thing as a life of passion any more than a continuous earthquake, or an eternal fever. Besides, who would ever shave themselves in such a state? ”

- Lord Byron

“ No one can argue any longer about the rights of women. It's like arguing about earthquakes. ”

- Lillian Hellman

“ We want a story that starts out with an earthquake and works its way up to a climax. ”

- Samuel Goldwyn

“ Nature chose for a tool, not the earthquake or lightning to rend and split asunder, not the stormy torrent or eroding rain, but the tender snow-flowers noiselessly falling through unnumbered centuries. ”

- John Muir

“ A tremendous job was done after the 1906 earthquake in making the observations of everything that really occurred. We are still using that report today as a fundamental source of material about what earthquakes do, and how to respond. ”

- David Schwartz

“ We have reached a lot of families who were made homeless by the earthquake. But there are still enormous numbers of people that will require warm bedding and protection from the fierce winter weather if we're to avert another humanitarian crisis. ”

- John Mason

“ Cities are distinguished by the catastrophic forms they presuppose and which are a vital part of their essential charm. New York is King Kong, or the blackout, or vertical bombardment: towering Inferno. Los Angeles is the horizontal fault, California breaking off and sliding into the Pacific: earthquake. ”

- Jean Baudrillard

“ K is a consonant that we get from the Greeks, but it can be traced away back beyond them to the Cerathians, a small commercial nation inhabiting the peninsula of Smero. In their tongue it was called Klatch, which means "destroyed." The form of the letter was originally precisely that of our H, but the erudite Dr… ”

- Ambrose Bierce

“ It sure does, Ben, it definitely does…this is definite…it specifically clearly, unequivocally says that Russia and other countries will enter into war and God will destroy Russia through earthquakes, volcanoes… ”

- Pat Robertson

“ You think Nature is some Disney movie? Nature is a killer. Nature is a bitch. It's feeding time out there 24 hours a day, every step that you take is a gamble with death. If it isn't getting hit with lightning today, it's an earthquake tomorrow or some deer tick carrying Lime disease… ”

- Jeff Melvoin

“ If spring came but once a century instead of once a year, or burst forth with the sound of an earthquake and not in silence, what wonder and expectation there would be in all hearts to behold the miraculous change. ”

- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

“ As the whirlwind in its fury teareth up trees, and deformeth the face of nature, or as an earthquake in its convulsions overturneth whole cities; so the rage of an angry man throweth mischief around him. ”

- Akhenaton
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