Quotes of Dynamic - somelinesforyou

“ Why indeed must 'God' be a noun? Why not a verb - the most active and dynamic of all. ”

- Mary Daly

“ I'm aware that a lot of what is happening in jazz has not had a very dynamic change in a long time. ”

- Herbie Hancock

“ Diversity in the world is a basic characteristic of human society, and also the key condition for a lively and dynamic world as we see today. ”

- Jinato Hu

“ One problem with ideas, however valid, is that they are static and impersonal, whereas a person is active and dynamic. ”

- William Hull

“ It is a medium that can dynamically simulate the details of any other medium, including media that cannot exist physically. It is not a tool, although it can act like many tools. ”

- Alan Kay

“ Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity. ”

- John F. Kennedy

“ A dynamic economy begins with a good education. ”

- Bob Taft

“ If you have enthusiasm, you have a very dynamic, effective companion to travel with you on the road to Somewhere. ”

- Loretta Young

“ When people don't have an objective, there's much less dynamic effort, and that makes life a lot less interesting. ”

- Barbara Tuchman

“ Cut the "im" out of impossible, leading that dynamic word standing out free and clear — possible. ”

- Dr. Norman Vincent Peale

“ It takes more than capital to swing business. You've got to have the A. I. D. degree to get by — Advertising, Initiative, and Dynamics. ”

- Ren Mulford Jr.

“ That which is static and repetitive is boring. That which is dynamic and random is confusing. In between lies art. ”

- John A. Locke

“ The world will never have lasting peace so long as men reserve for war the finest human qualities. Peace, no less than war, requires idealism and self-sacrifice and a righteous and dynamic faith. ”

- John Foster Dulles

“ Even if I died in the service of the nation, I would be proud of it. Every drop of my blood… will contribute to the growth of this nation and to make it strong and dynamic. ”

- Indira Gandhi

“ Knowledge about life is one thing; effective occupation of a place in life, with its dynamic currents passing through your being, is another. ”

- William James

“ I think everybody had difficulties with that dynamic, turning the family into a band and being constantly together. So everybody, as individuals. had things to sort out. ”

- Andrea Corr

“ Strong lives are motivated by dynamic purposes; lesser ones exist on wishes and inclinations. ”

- Kenneth Hildebrand

“ The genius of any slave system is found in the dynamics which isolate slaves from each other, obscure the reality of a common condition, and make united rebellion against the oppressor inconceivable. ”

- Andrea Dworkin

“ When you interact with another, an illusion is part of this dynamic. This illusion allows each soul to perceive what it needs to understand in order to heal. ”

- Gary Zukav

“ Why indeed must "God" be a noun? Why not a verb — the most active and dynamic of all. ”

- Mary Daly

“ When you feel in your gut what you are and then dynamically pursue it - don't back down and don't give up - then you're going to mystify a lot of folks. ”

- Bob Dylan

“ Piano's a very dynamic instrument. You can't do those things to it as easily. I carry that loudness with me still, but I've tried to shake it off a little bit, because I want those valleys and peaks. But my playing style evolved in an era of Nirvana. I play much like a guitarist, a much louder, less dynamic sound than I would probably choose, bu that's my accent. ”

- Ben Folds

“ I saw the same dynamic in our family - a dysfunctional family - mirrored in the country in the 1980's. If you take this family, and you put them up there as the First Family - if you look at what the dynamic is in the family - you might have a pretty good sense of how it's going to trickle down. ”

- Patty Davis

“ Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between Belize and the Republic of China in 1989, Taiwan has been good to Belize. Over the years, the ties of friendship have been strengthened through a dynamic technical agricultural mission and economic cooperation in the housing and infrastructural development, trade, investment and tourism promotion. ”

- Said Musa

“ Very often, footage that you have shot develops its own dynamic, it's own life, that is totally unexpected, and moves away from you're original intentions. And you have to acknowledge, yes, there is a child growing and developing and moving in a direction that isn't expected-accept it as it is and let it develop its own life. ”

- Werner Herzog

“ I think women have the advantage over men - they tend to be much more in touch with their feelings and understand the dynamics of how relationships work. Men are much more cold-blooded and less willing to explore what makes a marriage or a relationship work… ”

- Tobey Maguire

“ Race and class are rendered distinct analytically only to produce the realization that the analysis of the one cannot proceed without the other. A different dynamic it seems to me is at work in the critique of new sexuality studies. ”

- Judith Butler

“ Architects in the past have tended to concentrate their attention on the building as a static object. I believe dynamics are more important: the dynamics of people, their interaction with spaces and environmental condition. ”

- John Portman

“ Doing work which has to be done over and over again helps us recognize the natural cycles of growth and decay, of birth and death, and thus become aware of the dynamic order of the universe. 'Ordinary' work, as the root meaning of the word indicates, is work that is in harmony with the order we perceive in the natural environment. ”

- Fritjof Capra

“ Man will become immeasurably stronger, wiser, and subtler; his body will become more harmonious, his movements more rhythmic, his voice more musical. The forms of life will become dynamically dramatic. The average human type will rise to the heights of an Aristotle, a Goethe, or a Marx… ”

- Leon Trotsky
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