Quotes of Dublin - somelinesforyou

“ When I came back to Dublin I was courtmartialed in my absence and sentenced to death in my absence, so I said they could shoot me in my absence. ”

- Brendan Behan

“ In Dublin's fair city, where the girls are so pretty, I first set my eyes on Molly Malone. ”

- Irish ditty

“ When I die I want to decompose in a barrel of porter and have it served in all the pubs in Dublin. ”

- James Patrick Donleavy

“ Night fell clean and cold in Dublin, and wind moaned beyond my room as if a million pipes played the air. ”

- Patricia Cornwell

“ I know that the White House was designed by James Hoban, a noted Irish-American architect, and I have no doubt that he believed by incorporating several features of the Dublin style he would make it more homelike for any president of Irish descent. It was a long wait, but I appreciate his efforts. ”

- John F. Kennedy
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