Quotes of Documentary - somelinesforyou

“ It is difficult to produce a television documentary that is both incisive and probing when every twelve minutes one is interrupted by twelve dancing rabbits singing about toilet paper. ”

- Rod Serling

“ To make a documentary is one thing, to make a feature film is quite another. ”

- Dennis Hopper

“ In a way then, the Divine Principle, this new revelation, is the documentary of my life. It is my own life experience. The Divine Principle is in me, and I am in the Divine Principle. ”

- Sun Myung Moon

“ I wouldn't do nudity in films. For me, personally… To act with my clothes on is a performance; to act with my clothes off is a documentary. ”

- Julia Roberts

“ I have my ideas of what a good documentary is, but drama is a different animal because you're arranging everything. ”

- Gus Van Sant

“ No, and I won't be. I walked out of Kurt And Courtney ; it made me feel dirty. The new film just seems to be skirting round things; it hasn't been brave enough. ”

- Kurt Cobain

“ The Documentary. ”

- Kanye West

“ If you want to tell the untold stories, if you want to give voice to the voiceless, you've got to find a language. Which goes for film as well as prose, for documentary as well as autobiography. Use the wrong language, and you're dumb and blind. ”

- Salman Rushdie

“ That the public can grow accustomed to any face is proved by the increasing prevalence of Keith's ruined physiognomy on TV documentaries and chat shows, as familiar and homely a horror as Grandpa in The Munsters. ”

- Philip Norman

“ What is a novel if not a conviction of our fellow-men's existence strong enough to take upon itself a form of imagined life clearer than reality and whose accumulated verisimilitude of selected episodes puts to shame the pride of documentary history? ”

- Joseph Conrad
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