Quotes of Disadvantaged - somelinesforyou

“ I came from a disadvantaged home. They were Republicans. ”

- Paul Tsongas

“ There has to be positive action that allows the most disadvantaged people to get their fair share of job opportunities. ”

- Paul Burton

“ I used to think I was poor. Then they told me I wasn't poor, I was needy. Then they told me it was self-defeating to think of myself as needy. I was deprived. Then they told me that underprivileged was overused. I was disadvantaged. I still don't have a dime… ”

- Jules Feiffer

“ I used to think I was poor. Then they told me I wasn't poor, I was needy. Then they told me it was self-defeating to think of myself as needy. I was deprived. (Oh not deprived but rather underprivileged.) Then they told me that underprivileged was overused… ”

- Jules Feiffer
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