Quotes of Dint - somelinesforyou

“ Success depends in a very large measure upon individual initiative and exertion, and cannot be achieved except by a dint of hard work. ”

- Anna Pavlova

“ A revolution can be neither made nor stopped. The only thing that can be done is for one of several of its children to give it a direction by dint of victories. ”

- Napoleon Bonaparte

“ By dint of dogged charisma, Brynner has identified himself with a role more than any other actor since Bela Lugosi hung up his fangs. ”

- Richard Corliss

“ In every revolution there intrude, at the side of its true agents, men of a different stamp; some of them survivors of and devotees to past revolutions, without insight into the present movement, but preserving popular influence by their known honesty and courage, or by the sheer force of tradition; others mere brawlers, who, by dint of repeating year after year the same set of stereotyped declamations against the government of the day, have sneaked into the reputation of revolutionists of the first water They are an unavoidable evil: with time they are shaken off. ”

- Karl Marx
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