Quotes of Deduction - somelinesforyou

“ We do not learn by inference and deduction and the application of mathematics to philosophy, but by direct intercourse and sympathy. ”

- Henry David Thoreau

“ A trembling in the bones may carry a more convincing testimony than the dry, documented deductions of the brain. ”

- Llewelyn Powers

“ Giving is a habit of the heart. It is not a tax deduction. ”

- Ernie Wood

“ I sometimes compare press officers to riflemen on the Somme — mowing down wave upon wave of distortion, taking out rank upon rank of supposition, deduction and gossip. ”

- Bernard Ingham

“ Income tax time is when you test your powers of deduction. ”

- Shelby Friedman

“ The grand aim of all science is to cover the greatest number of empirical facts by logical deduction from the smallest number of hypotheses or axioms. ”

- Albert Einstein

“ Don't leave inferences to be drawn when evidence can be presented. ”

- Richard Wright

“ This is an age of intellectual sauces, of essence, of distillation. We have "conclusions" without deductions, "abridgments of history" and "abridgments of science" without leading facts. We have "animals" for literature, "Cabinet" Encyclopaedias, "Family" Libraries, "Diffusion" Societies, and heaven knows what else! What is all this for? Not to add knowledge to the learned, but to tell points to the ignorant, without giving them the trouble to acquire the links… ”

- Benjamin Haydon

“ You can't remember sex. You can remember the fact of it, and recall the setting, and even the details, but the sex of the sex cannot be remembered, the substantive truth of it, it is by nature self-erasing, you can remember its anatomy and be left with a judgment as to the degree of your liking of it, but whatever it is as a splurge of being, as a loss, as a charge of the conviction of love stopping your heart like your execution, there is no memory of it in the brain, only the deduction that it happened and that time passed, leaving you with a silhouette that you want to fill in again. ”

- E. L. Doctorow

“ Good hitters don't just go up and swing. They always have a plan. Call it an educated deduction. You visualize. You're like a good negotiator. You know what you have, you know what he has, then you try to work it out. ”

- Dave Winfield
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