Quotes of Convulsive - somelinesforyou

“ The "highest" states of mind held up before mankind by christianity as of supreme value, are actually forms of convulsive epilepsy. ”

- Friedrich Nietzsche

“ Beauty will be convulsive or will not be at all. ”

- Andre Breton

“ Mountains are to the rest of the body of the earth, what violent muscular action is to the body of man. The muscles and tendons of its anatomy are, in the mountain, brought out with force and convulsive energy, full of expression, passion, and strength. ”

- John Ruskin

“ The rising power of the United States in world affairs requires, not a more compliant press, but a relentless barrage of facts and criticism. Our job in this age, as I see it, is not to serve as cheerleaders for our side in the present world struggle but to help the largest possible number of people to see the realities of the changing and convulsive world in which American policy must operate. ”

- James Reston

“ Who among us has not, in moments of ambition, dreamt of the miracle of a form of poetic prose, musical but without rhythm and rhyme, both supple and staccato enough to adapt itself to the lyrical movements of our souls, the undulating movements of our reveries, and the convulsive movements of our consciences? This obsessive ideal springs above all from frequent contact with enormous cities, from the junction of their innumerable connections. ”

- Charles Baudelaire
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