Quotes of Constrictor - somelinesforyou

“ Success took me to her bosom like a maternal boa constrictor. ”

- Noel Coward

“ He and I were about as compatible as a rat and a boa constrictor. ”

- Stevie Nicks

“ Here is an artificial city which has been pumped up under forced draught, inflated like a balloon, stuffed with rural humanity like a goose with corn…endeavoring to eat up this too rapid avalanche of anthropoids, the sunshine metropolis heaves and strains, sweats and becomes pop-eyed, like a young boa constrictor trying to swallow a goat… ”

- Morrow Mayo

“ As there is no worse lie than a truth misunderstood by those who hear it, so reasonable arguments, challenges to magnanimity, and appeals to sympathy or justice, are folly when we are dealing with human crocodiles and boa-constrictors. ”

- William James
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