Quotes of Clamped - somelinesforyou

“ One look around us ought to show that all our arbitrary measures and bounds have been clamped on us by mankind. ”

- Unknown

“ An embarrassed Catholic… goes to Mass, to be sure. But an onlooker might suppose that he was seeing a man awaiting the dentist's drill. Great gloom emanating from the facial expression, heavy winter jacket all bunched up, mouth clamped firmly shut during anything as stupid as singing, and a beeline for the door at the instant of dismissal. ”

- Thomas Howard

“ Men in flat caps and collarless shirts wander around with a sprig of hawthorn between their teeth, their hands clamped behind them. All you have to do is say Ah, mingling pity, rage and stoicism in one breath, and everyone within earshot will echo you. ”

- Paul West
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