Quotes of Arsenal - somelinesforyou

“ Michael Thomas's goal for Arsenal against Liverpool , or Liverpool's Champions' League win this year, are much more dramatic than anything you could ever write. ”

- Stan Hey

“ We were brilliant defensively, but more importantly, we were not scared to play. You see that as soon as Arsenal is not scared to play, we can play good football. ”

- Thierry Henry

“ I think we had the better chances, but Arsenal had more of the possession, so a draw was probably a fair result. ”

- Alex Ferguson

“ Every library is an arsenal. ”

- Robert Ingersoll

“ I can't say I knew very much about the magazine,... I've had lots of telephone interviews with magazines... I don't have to agree with their views. ”

- John Ashcroft

“ We could make some changes. We have a game on Tuesday and the following Sunday against Arsenal so we have got some decisions to make. But the great thing is I've got a pool of players, which I can do that with. ”

- Alex Ferguson

“ It's important that Arsenal has the same sporting ambition as me. Deep down I would love to win the Champions League. ”

- Thierry Henry

“ A library is an arsenal of liberty. ”

- Unknown

“ For a very long time, I didn't see an Arsenal team like that. We were brilliant defensively, but more importantly we were not scared to play. ”

- Thierry Henry

“ We are going through maybe not in the Arsenal way - but we are through. ”

- Thierry Henry

“ With Arsenal, we try straight away to hit the striker early. The earlier I get the ball the better. ”

- Thierry Henry

“ We did it, we scored one goal so it's back to the old Arsenal. ”

- Thierry Henry

“ That's the way it is, but with Arsenal it is more direct. I'm not attacking anyone, just we need to play quicker and alternate things a bit. The earlier the ball, the better. ”

- Thierry Henry

“ Everybody hopes they'll drop points. Ourselves, Arsenal and Liverpool are all in the same boat where that's concerned. ”

- Alex Ferguson

“ Obscenity is a moral concept in the verbal arsenal of the establishment, which abuses the term by applying it, not to expressions of its own morality but to those of another. ”

- Herbert Marcuse
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