Quotes of Ziggy Marley - somelinesforyou

“ Love is cheering and sharing and compassion and giving and receiving. Love is an action thing more than a word thing, that brings comfort or joy or relief to anyone or anything. ”

- Ziggy Marley

“ Free spirits have to soar." "True Religion ”

- Ziggy Marley

“ Free spirits have to soar." "True Religion ”

- Ziggy Marley

“ I would look at a dog and when our eyes met, I realized that the dog and all creatures are my family. They're like you and me. ”

- Ziggy Marley

“ You can complain because roses have thorns, or you can rejoice because thorns have roses. ”

- Ziggy Marley

“ I am a leader. Leaders always get heat. They're always going against the grain. Jimi Hendrix got heat; Bob Marley got heat; Miles Davis got heat. Every great artist got heat. Heat means you're doing something right. ”

- Ziggy Marley

“ I used to have this little mouse. I buy birds from the pet store and I let them go. ”

- Ziggy Marley

“ I used to have this little mouse. I buy birds from the pet store and I let them go. ”

- Ziggy Marley

“ I would look at a dog and when our eyes met, I realized that the dog and all creatures are my family. They're like you and me. ”

- Ziggy Marley

“ I am a leader. Leaders always get heat. They're always going against the grain. Jimi Hendrix got heat; Bob Marley got heat; Miles Davis got heat. Every great artist got heat. Heat means you're doing something right. ”

- Ziggy Marley

“ You can complain because roses have thorns, or you can rejoice because thorns have roses. ”

- Ziggy Marley

“ You can complain because roses have thorns, or you can rejoice because thorns have roses. ”

- Ziggy Marley

“ I used to have this little mouse. I buy birds from the pet store and I let them go. ”

- Ziggy Marley

“ I used to have this little mouse. I buy birds from the pet store and I let them go. ”

- Ziggy Marley

“ I prefer the country life. I live in Kingston, but there is lots of trees. ”

- Ziggy Marley

“ You can complain because roses have thorns, or you can rejoice because thorns have roses. ”

- Ziggy Marley

“ I prefer the country life. I live in Kingston, but there is lots of trees. ”

- Ziggy Marley
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