Quotes of Zen Master Yuanwu - somelinesforyou

“ If you contend with them, then a bad name will bounce back and forth with never an end in sight. ”

- Zen Master Yuanwu

“ If you contend with them, then a bad name will bounce back and forth with never an end in sight. ”

- Zen Master Yuanwu

“ If you haven't attained clear true vision, this causes you to lapse into extremes, so that you lose contact with reality. ”

- Zen Master Yuanwu

“ If you haven't attained clear true vision, this causes you to lapse into extremes, so that you lose contact with reality. ”

- Zen Master Yuanwu

“ If you contend with them, then a bad name will bounce back and forth with never an end in sight. ”

- Zen Master Yuanwu

“ If you haven't attained clear true vision, this causes you to lapse into extremes, so that you lose contact with reality. ”

- Zen Master Yuanwu

“ If you contend with them, then a bad name will bounce back and forth with never an end in sight. ”

- Zen Master Yuanwu
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