Quotes of Yogi Bhajan - somelinesforyou

“ An attitude of gratitude brings great things. ”

- Yogi Bhajan

“ The greatest art is to sit, wait and let it come. ”

- Yogi Bhajan

“ To conquer the unknown you must trust. ”

- Yogi Bhajan

“ I want to make myself so happy that others get happy just looking at me. ”

- Yogi Bhajan

“ I want to make myself so happy that others get happy just looking at me. ”

- Yogi Bhajan

“ An attitude of gratitude brings great things. ”

- Yogi Bhajan

“ You are very powerful, provided you know how powerful you are. ”

- Yogi Bhajan

“ Travel light, live light, spread the light, be the light. ”

- Yogi Bhajan
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