Quotes of William Mitchell - somelinesforyou

“ Operating income, excluding recent acquisitions, grew four times faster than sales. ”

- William Mitchell

“ There isn't anything that says he has to be in attendance 100 percent of the time,... We can't put an amount of time. He has to deliver the service that's in his contract. ”

- William Mitchell

“ Operating income, excluding recent acquisitions, grew four times faster than sales. ”

- William Mitchell

“ Only five out of a hundred live according to what they think and believe in their minds. And four out of those five think and believe what others tell them to think and believe. ”

- William Mitchell

“ There isn't anything that says he has to be in attendance 100 percent of the time,... We can't put an amount of time. He has to deliver the service that's in his contract. ”

- William Mitchell

“ Operating income, excluding recent acquisitions, grew four times faster than sales. ”

- William Mitchell

“ There isn't anything that says he has to be in attendance 100 percent of the time,... We can't put an amount of time. He has to deliver the service that's in his contract. ”

- William Mitchell

“ There isn't anything that says he has to be in attendance 100 percent of the time,... We can't put an amount of time. He has to deliver the service that's in his contract. ”

- William Mitchell

“ There isn't anything that says he has to be in attendance 100 percent of the time,... We can't put an amount of time. He has to deliver the service that's in his contract. ”

- William Mitchell
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