Quotes of William McGovern - somelinesforyou

“ The only practice that's now constant is the practice of constantly accommodating to change. ”

- William McGovern

“ The only practice that's now constant is the practice of constantly accommodating to change. ”

- William McGovern

“ The only practice that's now constant is the practice of constantly accommodating to change. ”

- William McGovern

“ The fact that it had never been done before made it even more irresistible. ”

- William McGovern

“ The only practice that's now constant is the practice of constantly accommodating to change. ”

- William McGovern

“ The fact that it had never been done before made it even more irresistible. ”

- William McGovern

“ The only practice that's now constant is the practice of constantly accommodating to change. ”

- William McGovern

“ The fact that it had never been done before made it even more irresistible. ”

- William McGovern

“ The only practice that's now constant is the practice of constantly accommodating to change. ”

- William McGovern

“ The fact that it had never been done before made it even more irresistible. ”

- William McGovern

“ The fact that it had never been done before made it even more irresistible. ”

- William McGovern
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