Quotes of William Boyd - somelinesforyou

“ Maybe we should go by tube', he said. A taxi'll come', she said. 'I'm in no hurry'. She remembered something a woman in Paris had told her once. A woman in her forties, much married, elegant, a little worldweary. There is nothing easier in this world, this woman had claimed, than getting a man to kiss you. Oh really? Eva had said, so how do you do that? Just stand close to a man, the woman has said, very close, as close as you can without touching he will kiss you in one minute or two. It's inevitable. For them it's like an instinct they can't resist. Infaillible. So Eva stood close to Romer in the doorway of the shop on Frith Street as he shooted and waved at the passing cars moving down the dark street, hoping one of them might be a taxi. We're out of luck', he said, turning, to find Eva standing very close to him, her face lifted. I'm in no hurry', she said. He reached for her and kissed her. ”

- William Boyd

“ I chided her gently, reminding her that you can't make these unilateral pacts with life. You can't say: that's it, my emotions are securely locked away, now I'm impregnable, safe from the world's cruelties and disappointments. Better to take them on, come what may, I said, see what strength you have within you. ”

- William Boyd

“ I'm one of five individuals who paid to have a legal analysis of the bill done, and that analysis came back and said it is not constitutional. ”

- William Boyd

“ It is probably no exaggeration to say that she is Britain's preeminent living novelist. ”

- William Boyd

“ We all want to be happy, and we're all going to die. You might say those are the only two unchallengeably true facts that apply to every human being on this planet. ”

- William Boyd

“ I'm one of five individuals who paid to have a legal analysis of the bill done, and that analysis came back and said it is not constitutional. ”

- William Boyd

“ I'm one of five individuals who paid to have a legal analysis of the bill done, and that analysis came back and said it is not constitutional. ”

- William Boyd

“ It is probably no exaggeration to say that she is Britain's preeminent living novelist. ”

- William Boyd

“ It is probably no exaggeration to say that she is Britain's preeminent living novelist. ”

- William Boyd

“ We all want to be happy, and we're all going to die. You might say those are the only two unchallengeably true facts that apply to every human being on this planet. ”

- William Boyd

“ I'm one of five individuals who paid to have a legal analysis of the bill done, and that analysis came back and said it is not constitutional. ”

- William Boyd

“ I'm one of five individuals who paid to have a legal analysis of the bill done, and that analysis came back and said it is not constitutional. ”

- William Boyd

“ Griffin is a very good team. We made a lot of mistakes early, and they took advantage of them. ”

- William Boyd

“ That's all your life amounts to in the end: the aggregate of all the good luck and the bad luck you experience. Everything is explained by that simple formula. Tot it up — look at the respective piles. There's nothing you can do about it: nobody shares it out, allocates it to this one or that, it just happens. ”

- William Boyd
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