Quotes of Wayne Gerard Trotman - somelinesforyou

“ Envy suggests inferiority. ”

- Wayne Gerard Trotman

“ Most people should laugh more; and, when they laugh, laugh heartily. ”

- Wayne Gerard Trotman

“ I have the deepest respect for those who rise above the bigotry of their families. ”

- Wayne Gerard Trotman

“ In a jaded world, it takes a certain type of person to remain a romantic someone with resolute faith in goodness. ”

- Wayne Gerard Trotman

“ In successful relationships, perfection is the acceptance of imperfection. ”

- Wayne Gerard Trotman

“ Those unwilling to take risks seldom win. ”

- Wayne Gerard Trotman

“ If you’ve ever done anything extraordinary in your life, always remember, no amount of ridicule can ever rob you of your achievements. ”

- Wayne Gerard Trotman

“ If money is your only measure of success, do not be surprised when it is all you have. ”

- Wayne Gerard Trotman

“ We are at war, and the enemy knows that the subconscious absorbs everything. ”

- Wayne Gerard Trotman

“ When someone asks a question, don't assume they don't know the answer. Clever people will always test you. ”

- Wayne Gerard Trotman

“ Those who understand will understand. ”

- Wayne Gerard Trotman

“ Perfect understanding of the infinite requires limitless intellectual capacity; our undivided attention is better suited for humbler aspirations. ”

- Wayne Gerard Trotman

“ Whenever someone asks you why you care for a particular person, they've failed to understand that love is charity. ”

- Wayne Gerard Trotman

“ Cooking for someone just happens to be one of the most profound expressions of love. ”

- Wayne Gerard Trotman

“ It is difficult to learn anything worthwhile if you only listen to those who share your views. ”

- Wayne Gerard Trotman

“ It is difficult to learn anything worthwhile if you only listen to those who share your views. ”

- Wayne Gerard Trotman
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