Quotes of Wassily Kandinsky - somelinesforyou

“ Color is a power which directly influences the soul ”

- Wassily Kandinsky

“ The joy of life consists in the inevitable, continual triumph of new values. ”

- Wassily Kandinsky

“ The nightmare of materialism, which has turned the life of the universe into an evil, useless game, is not yet past; it holds the awakening soul still in its grip. ”

- Wassily Kandinsky

“ Everything starts from a dot. ”

- Wassily Kandinsky

“ The artist must train not only his eye but also his soul. ”

- Wassily Kandinsky

“ There is no must in art because art is free. ”

- Wassily Kandinsky

“ I value those artists who embody the expression of their life. ”

- Wassily Kandinsky

“ Color is a power which directly influences the soul. ”

- Wassily Kandinsky

“ Color is a means to exert a direct influence on the soul. ”

- Wassily Kandinsky

“ Those [things] that we encounter for the first time immediately have a spiritual effect upon us. A child, for whom every object is new, experiences the world in this way: it sees light, is attracted by it, wants to grasp it, burns its finger in the process, and thus learns fear and respect for the flame. ”

- Wassily Kandinsky

“ Colour is a power which directly influences the soul. ”

- Wassily Kandinsky
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