Quotes of W. E. B. DuBois - somelinesforyou

“ Herein lies the tragedy of the age: not that men are poor, — all men know something of poverty; not that men are wicked, — who is good? not that men are ignorant, — what is Truth? Nay, but that men know so little of men. ”

- W. E. B. DuBois

“ Herein lies the tragedy of the age: not that men are poor, — all men know something of poverty; not that men are wicked, — who is good? not that men are ignorant, — what is Truth? Nay, but that men know so little of men. ”

- W. E. B. DuBois

“ The function of the university is not simply to teach breadwinning, or to furnish teachers for the public schools, or to be a centre of polite society; it is, above all, to be the organ of that fine adjustment between real life and the growing knowledge of life, an adjustment which forms the secret of civilization. ”

- W. E. B. DuBois

“ We are training not isolated men but a living group of men, nay, a group within a group. And the final product of our training must be neither a psychologist nor a brickmason, but a man. And to make men, we must have ideals, broad, pure, and inspiring ends of living, not sordid moneygetting, not apples of gold. The worker must work for the lory of his handiwork, not simply for pay; the thinker must think for truth, not for fame. And all this is gained only by human strife and longing; by ceaseless training and education; by founding Right on righteousness and Truth on the unhampered search for Truth...and weaving thus a system, not a distortion, and bringing a birth, not an abortion. ”

- W. E. B. DuBois

“ The function of the university is not simply to teach breadwinning, or to furnish teachers for the public schools, or to be a centre of polite society; it is, above all, to be the organ of that fine adjustment between real life and the growing knowledge of life, an adjustment which forms the secret of civilization. ”

- W. E. B. DuBois

“ We are training not isolated men but a living group of men, nay, a group within a group. And the final product of our training must be neither a psychologist nor a brickmason, but a man. And to make men, we must have ideals, broad, pure, and inspiring ends of living, not sordid moneygetting, not apples of gold. The worker must work for the lory of his handiwork, not simply for pay; the thinker must think for truth, not for fame. And all this is gained only by human strife and longing; by ceaseless training and education; by founding Right on righteousness and Truth on the unhampered search for Truth...and weaving thus a system, not a distortion, and bringing a birth, not an abortion. ”

- W. E. B. DuBois

“ The return from your work must be the satisfaction which that work brings you and the world's need of that work. With this, life is heaven, or as close to heaven as you can get. Without this - with work which you despise, which bores you can which the world does not need - this life is hell. ”

- W. E. B. DuBois

“ The return from your work must be the satisfaction which that work brings you and the world's need of that work. With this, life is heaven, or as close to heaven as you can get. Without this - with work which you despise, which bores you can which the world does not need - this life is hell. ”

- W. E. B. DuBois

“ The return from your work must be the satisfaction which that work brings you and the world's need of that work. With this, life is heaven, or as close to heaven as you can get. Without this - with work which you despise, which bores you can which the world does not need - this life is hell. ”

- W. E. B. DuBois
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