Quotes of Uzodinma Iweala - somelinesforyou

“ Meredith has held faith for the last five months that Harvard will have faith in her even after the initial early deferral. They have to. She is smart and her parents are important. ”

- Uzodinma Iweala

“ OJ says our father lives somewhere between the selfsatisfaction that his success has made us soft and disgust that we are unacquainted with the brutal intensity of a world that he has effectively tamed for us. ”

- Uzodinma Iweala

“ The days since then have been a timeless fuzz. I feel time pass but nothing actually seems to happen. ”

- Uzodinma Iweala

“ You cannot unsee what has been seen once the veil is lifted, Reverend Olumide says in church. We cannot return to the garden of Eden. When I meet with him he says I need to confront my fears, that the devil torments us with that which scares us most. So, I cross the line between the blue hallways tiles and the white lockerroom floor and navigate my way to locker number thirtytwo. ”

- Uzodinma Iweala

“ You cannot unsee what has been seen once the veil is lifted, Reverend Olumide says in church. We cannot return to the garden of Eden. When I meet with him he says I need to confront my fears, that the devil torments us with that which scares us most. So, I cross the line between the blue hallways tiles and the white lockerroom floor and navigate my way to locker umber thirtytwo. ”

- Uzodinma Iweala
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