Quotes of Tyler Knott Gregson - somelinesforyou

“ I would rather wear honest tears than the most beautiful and elaborately faked smile. ”

- Tyler Knott Gregson

“ Promise me you will not spend so much time treading water and trying to keep your head above the waves that you forget, truly forget, how much you have always loved to swim. ”

- Tyler Knott Gregson

“ I would love to say that you make me weak in the knees but to be quite upfront and completely truthful you make my body forget it has knees at all. ”

- Tyler Knott Gregson

“ I believe in love at first sight but I will always believe that the people we love we have loved before. Many, many, many times before and when we stumble through grace and circumstance and that brilliant illusion of choice to finally meet them again, we feel it faster each time through. The one glance that set life alight is two sets of two eyes staring through the layers of lifetimes and stolen glances and first kisses and hands held; the brace against the weight and unrelenting tide of waiting. I believe in love at first sight but am not burdened with the misconception that it's a first sight at all. ”

- Tyler Knott Gregson

“ What if it's the there and not the here that I long for? The wander and not the wait, the magic in the lost feet stumbling down the faraway street and the way the moon never hangs quite the same. ”

- Tyler Knott Gregson

“ What an utter disgrace it would be to find something truly magic and spend any time at all pretending and trying to convince yourself it is all just an unbelievably orchestrated and beautifully choreographed illusion. ”

- Tyler Knott Gregson

“ I would love to say that you make me weak in the knees but to be quite upfront and completely truthful you make my body forget it has knees at all. ”

- Tyler Knott Gregson

“ I believe in love at first sight but I will always believe that the people we love we have loved before. Many, many, many times before and when we stumble through grace and circumstance and that brilliant illusion of choice to finally meet them again, we feel it faster each time through. The one glance that set life alight is two sets of two eyes staring through the layers of lifetimes and stolen glances and first kisses and hands held; the brace against the weight and unrelenting tide of waiting. I believe in love at first sight but am not burdened with the misconception that it's a first sight at all. ”

- Tyler Knott Gregson

“ Some days I wake up and all I feel are the fractures in the flesh that covers the only me I've ever known. Some days, it's those exact fissures that let the light hiding inside me pour out and cover in gold everyone that found enough beauty in the cracks to stand close. ”

- Tyler Knott Gregson

“ Be gentle, always delicate with every soul you meet, for every single morning you wake up, there is someone Wishing, silently and secretly, that they had not. ”

- Tyler Knott Gregson
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