Quotes of Trevor Fishlock - somelinesforyou

“ When Alaska achieved statehood Texas did not for a moment surrender its historic place in the grammar of American language and braggadocio: big, bigger, biggest, Texan. Texans argue that while Alaska is twice as large in terms of crude bulk it is Texas that remains, in more significant ways, powerful, grand and pre-eminent, the basic American metaphor for size, grossness, power, wealth, ambition, high-rolling, and boasting: in a word, Texanic. ”

- Trevor Fishlock

“ She ate a television journalist for breakfast and, feeling peckish, bit off some reporters' heads at a press conference. ”

- Trevor Fishlock

“ She ate a television journalist for breakfast and, feeling peckish, bit off some reporters' heads at a press conference. ”

- Trevor Fishlock

“ When Alaska achieved statehood Texas did not for a moment surrender its historic place in the grammar of American language and braggadocio: big, bigger, biggest, Texan. Texans argue that while Alaska is twice as large in terms of crude bulk it is Texas that remains, in more significant ways, powerful, grand and pre-eminent, the basic American metaphor for size, grossness, power, wealth, ambition, high-rolling, and boasting: in a word, Texanic. ”

- Trevor Fishlock

“ She ate a television journalist for breakfast and, feeling peckish, bit off some reporters' heads at a press conference. ”

- Trevor Fishlock

“ She ate a television journalist for breakfast and, feeling peckish, bit off some reporters' heads at a press conference. ”

- Trevor Fishlock

“ She ate a television journalist for breakfast and, feeling peckish, bit off some reporters' heads at a press conference. ”

- Trevor Fishlock

“ When Alaska achieved statehood Texas did not for a moment surrender its historic place in the grammar of American language and braggadocio: big, bigger, biggest, Texan. Texans argue that while Alaska is twice as large in terms of crude bulk it is Texas that remains, in more significant ways, powerful, grand and pre-eminent, the basic American metaphor for size, grossness, power, wealth, ambition, high-rolling, and boasting: in a word, Texanic. ”

- Trevor Fishlock

“ When Alaska achieved statehood Texas did not for a moment surrender its historic place in the grammar of American language and braggadocio: big, bigger, biggest, Texan. Texans argue that while Alaska is twice as large in terms of crude bulk it is Texas that remains, in more significant ways, powerful, grand and pre-eminent, the basic American metaphor for size, grossness, power, wealth, ambition, high-rolling, and boasting: in a word, Texanic. ”

- Trevor Fishlock

“ When Alaska achieved statehood Texas did not for a moment surrender its historic place in the grammar of American language and braggadocio: big, bigger, biggest, Texan. Texans argue that while Alaska is twice as large in terms of crude bulk it is Texas that remains, in more significant ways, powerful, grand and pre-eminent, the basic American metaphor for size, grossness, power, wealth, ambition, high-rolling, and boasting: in a word, Texanic. ”

- Trevor Fishlock

“ She ate a television journalist for breakfast and, feeling peckish, bit off some reporters' heads at a press conference. ”

- Trevor Fishlock

“ When Alaska achieved statehood Texas did not for a moment surrender its historic place in the grammar of American language and braggadocio: big, bigger, biggest, Texan. Texans argue that while Alaska is twice as large in terms of crude bulk it is Texas that remains, in more significant ways, powerful, grand and pre-eminent, the basic American metaphor for size, grossness, power, wealth, ambition, high-rolling, and boasting: in a word, Texanic. ”

- Trevor Fishlock

“ She ate a television journalist for breakfast and, feeling peckish, bit off some reporters' heads at a press conference. ”

- Trevor Fishlock
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