Quotes of Tony Richardson - somelinesforyou

“ He was out there throwing the ball extremely well. One guy I know will be there is Trent. I don't care if he had to go out there with one leg. He's a competitor. He's the guy who drives our ship. ”

- Tony Richardson

“ You turn it up a notch when you're getting ready to play a team like this. When you're getting ready to play Philadelphia, you can't leave anything to chance. You can't leave any detail unnoticed. It forces you to focus even harder because you know if you're not ready, they're going to exploit your weaknesses. ”

- Tony Richardson

“ You turn it up a notch when you're getting ready to play a team like this. When you're getting ready to play Philadelphia, you can't leave anything to chance. You can't leave any detail unnoticed. It forces you to focus even harder because you know if you're not ready, they're going to exploit your weaknesses. ”

- Tony Richardson

“ I've always been more interested in the kitchen-sink elements. ”

- Tony Richardson

“ Failure is not fatal; victory is not success. ”

- Tony Richardson

“ He came here as a first-round draft choice; he was a 2,000-yard rusher in college. ”

- Tony Richardson

“ I've always been more interested in the kitchen-sink elements. ”

- Tony Richardson

“ He came here as a first-round draft choice; he was a 2,000-yard rusher in college. ”

- Tony Richardson

“ You turn it up a notch when you're getting ready to play a team like this. When you're getting ready to play Philadelphia, you can't leave anything to chance. You can't leave any detail unnoticed. It forces you to focus even harder because you know if you're not ready, they're going to exploit your weaknesses. ”

- Tony Richardson

“ Failure is not fatal; victory is not success. ”

- Tony Richardson

“ Failure is not fatal; victory is not success. ”

- Tony Richardson

“ I've always been more interested in the kitchen-sink elements. ”

- Tony Richardson

“ I've always been more interested in the kitchen-sink elements. ”

- Tony Richardson

“ I've always been more interested in the kitchen-sink elements. ”

- Tony Richardson

“ Failure is not fatal; victory is not success. ”

- Tony Richardson

“ You turn it up a notch when you're getting ready to play a team like this. When you're getting ready to play Philadelphia, you can't leave anything to chance. You can't leave any detail unnoticed. It forces you to focus even harder because you know if you're not ready, they're going to exploit your weaknesses. ”

- Tony Richardson

“ Failure is not fatal; victory is not success. ”

- Tony Richardson

“ He came here as a first-round draft choice; he was a 2,000-yard rusher in college. ”

- Tony Richardson

“ I've always been more interested in the kitchen-sink elements. ”

- Tony Richardson

“ Failure is not fatal; victory is not success. ”

- Tony Richardson
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