Quotes of Tom Gates - somelinesforyou

“ Anger is just a cowardly extension of sadness. It's a lot easier to be angry at someone that it is to tell them you're hurt. ”

- Tom Gates

“ Anger is just a cowardly extension of sadness. It's a lot easier to be angry at someone that it is to tell them you're hurt. ”

- Tom Gates

“ Anger is just a cowardly extension of sadness. It's a lot easier to be angry at someone that it is to tell them you're hurt. ”

- Tom Gates

“ Smile, even if it's a sad smile, because sadder than a sad smile is the sadness of not knowing how to smile. ”

- Tom Gates

“ Anger is just a cowardly extension of sadness. It's a lot easier to be angry at someone that it is to tell them you're hurt. ”

- Tom Gates

“ Anger is just a cowardly extension of sadness. It's a lot easier to be angry at someone that it is to tell them you're hurt. ”

- Tom Gates

“ Smile, even if it's a sad smile, because sadder than a sad smile is the sadness of not knowing how to smile. ”

- Tom Gates

“ Smile, even if it's a sad smile, because sadder than a sad smile is the sadness of not knowing how to smile. ”

- Tom Gates

“ Anger is just a cowardly extension of sadness. It's a lot easier to be angry at someone that it is to tell them you're hurt. ”

- Tom Gates
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