Quotes of Timothy Zahn - somelinesforyou

“ I've found that what most people call luck is often little more than raw talent combined with the ability to make the most of opportunities. ”

- Timothy Zahn

“ For a change, lady luck seemed to be smiling on me. Then again, maybe the fickle wench was just lulling me into a false sense of security while she reached for a rock. ”

- Timothy Zahn

“ For a change, lady luck seemed to be smiling on me. Then again, maybe the fickle wench was just lulling me into a false sense of security while she reached for a rock. ”

- Timothy Zahn

“ For a change, lady luck seemed to be smiling on me. Then again, maybe the fickle wench was just lulling me into a false sense of security while she reached for a rock. ”

- Timothy Zahn

“ For a change, lady luck seemed to be smiling on me. Then again, maybe the fickle wench was just lulling me into a false sense of security while she reached for a rock. ”

- Timothy Zahn

“ For a change, lady luck seemed to be smiling on me. Then again, maybe the fickle wench was just lulling me into a false sense of security while she reached for a rock. ”

- Timothy Zahn

“ For a change, lady luck seemed to be smiling on me. Then again, maybe the fickle wench was just lulling me into a false sense of security while she reached for a rock. ”

- Timothy Zahn
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