Quotes of Thomas Muster - somelinesforyou

“ When I retire from tennis there are all kinds of things I want to do. I'd like to go to a business school or maybe take an artistic design course. ”

- Thomas Muster

“ When I retire from tennis there are all kinds of things I want to do. I'd like to go to a business school or maybe take an artistic design course. ”

- Thomas Muster

“ When I retire from tennis there are all kinds of things I want to do. I'd like to go to a business school or maybe take an artistic design course. ”

- Thomas Muster

“ When I retire from tennis there are all kinds of things I want to do. I'd like to go to a business school or maybe take an artistic design course. ”

- Thomas Muster

“ Marcelo is playing a different level to everyone at the moment but (Cedric) Pioline pushed him this week and I think I can as well. I have to play my best tennis — he is quicker and nine years younger, but I'm hoping my experience can help. I will have to be more aggressive than last week in Qatar where I lost pretty easily, but finals are always more open and I will try to stay with him as long as I can. ”

- Thomas Muster

“ When I retire from tennis there are all kinds of things I want to do. I'd like to go to a business school or maybe take an artistic design course. ”

- Thomas Muster

“ Marcelo is playing a different level to everyone at the moment but (Cedric) Pioline pushed him this week and I think I can as well. I have to play my best tennis — he is quicker and nine years younger, but I'm hoping my experience can help. I will have to be more aggressive than last week in Qatar where I lost pretty easily, but finals are always more open and I will try to stay with him as long as I can. ”

- Thomas Muster
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