Quotes of Thibaut - somelinesforyou

“ Re-focus. ”

- Thibaut

“ In today’s society, independent thinking is revolutionary activity where the human mind is bombarded with commercial aspirations. ”

- Thibaut

“ Pollution can be smog from a factory or mental filth from mass media generated ideals. ”

- Thibaut

“ People’s expectations from you are their problem, not yours. ”

- Thibaut

“ Turn off your mind and get to know yourself. ”

- Thibaut

“ Breathing is the first thing we do upon entering this existence, and the last as well. ”

- Thibaut

“ Mediocrity always measures success by money. ”

- Thibaut

“ Success is created by doing the basics, to a high standard, consistently. ”

- Thibaut

“ Success comes down to choosing the pain of discipline over the ease of capitulation. ”

- Thibaut

“ Asking your children to carry the burden of your dreams is the worst form of child labour. ”

- Thibaut

“ Reality is just a dream that one can never awaken from. ”

- Thibaut

“ Expectations, not outcomes, govern the happiness of your perceived reality. ”

- Thibaut

“ Success is created by doing the basics, to a high standard, consistently. ”

- Thibaut

“ It’s not the hours you put in, it’s what you put into your hours that counts. ”

- Thibaut

“ If you work like a maniac for three hours you will have surpassed most people who work off and on for eight. ”

- Thibaut

“ Taking drugs and thinking that you are happy is like taking a loan and thinking you have money. ”

- Thibaut

“ If experience is the mother of wisdom, pain is the father. ”

- Thibaut

“ If you want to live a miserable life, then blame everyone for your problems and never take responsibility for anything. ”

- Thibaut

“ When you don’t know what you need, you want everything. ”

- Thibaut

“ Busyness serves as an existential reassurance, a hedge against emptiness. ”

- Thibaut

“ Facebook is virtual prison which keeps dead relationships alive forever. ”

- Thibaut

“ If any person is unhappy, it’s because he wished for happiness. ”

- Thibaut

“ Taking drugs and thinking that you are happy is like taking a loan and thinking you have money. ”

- Thibaut

“ It’s okay to be a little afraid, it just means you’re about to learn something. ”

- Thibaut

“ You are far from the only nervous person in the room. ”

- Thibaut

“ When you’re upset because someone doesn’t like you, it’s your ego operating: you validate your existence based on their approval. ”

- Thibaut

“ A tourist sees what he came to see; a traveler sees what he sees. ”

- Thibaut

“ No time for your health today, no health for your time tomorrow. ”

- Thibaut

“ Dream for a better world and for a better humanity, not for a better car and a bigger house. ”

- Thibaut

“ The future is emotional. ”

- Thibaut
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