Quotes of Terry Farrell - somelinesforyou

“ Well, then it's my responsibility, too, because as an actress I have to take the responsibility for taking a part where I have to murder somebody. Is somebody going to get the idea to kill someone from watching it? I have to make the assumption that the people watching it are intelligent enough to know that I'm playing a character. ”

- Terry Farrell

“ We are going to continue to work on execution and team defense to get ready for the last five games and hopefully a couple of games after that. ”

- Terry Farrell

“ I think we didn't realize how long it was going to take with how many changes we had. If we would have had more time to do the setups, then that would have been a good idea. I got the scripts right before we started. To know what you are saying more in advance so you can make choices and know the scripts better, rather than having to rely on a teleprompter, is important because you have more confidence doing it when you know exactly what you're saying. ”

- Terry Farrell

“ I had such a great time working with these people-I hope it's such a big success that we end up doing two of them. It was fun! ”

- Terry Farrell

“ I think we didn't realize how long it was going to take with how many changes we had. If we would have had more time to do the setups, then that would have been a good idea. I got the scripts right before we started. To know what you are saying more in advance so you can make choices and know the scripts better, rather than having to rely on a teleprompter, is important because you have more confidence doing it when you know exactly what you're saying. ”

- Terry Farrell

“ We are going to continue to work on execution and team defense to get ready for the last five games and hopefully a couple of games after that. ”

- Terry Farrell

“ We are going to continue to work on execution and team defense to get ready for the last five games and hopefully a couple of games after that. ”

- Terry Farrell

“ We are going to continue to work on execution and team defense to get ready for the last five games and hopefully a couple of games after that. ”

- Terry Farrell

“ Well, then it's my responsibility, too, because as an actress I have to take the responsibility for taking a part where I have to murder somebody. Is somebody going to get the idea to kill someone from watching it? I have to make the assumption that the people watching it are intelligent enough to know that I'm playing a character. ”

- Terry Farrell

“ We are going to continue to work on execution and team defense to get ready for the last five games and hopefully a couple of games after that. ”

- Terry Farrell

“ I think we didn't realize how long it was going to take with how many changes we had. If we would have had more time to do the setups, then that would have been a good idea. I got the scripts right before we started. To know what you are saying more in advance so you can make choices and know the scripts better, rather than having to rely on a teleprompter, is important because you have more confidence doing it when you know exactly what you're saying. ”

- Terry Farrell

“ Well, then it's my responsibility, too, because as an actress I have to take the responsibility for taking a part where I have to murder somebody. Is somebody going to get the idea to kill someone from watching it? I have to make the assumption that the people watching it are intelligent enough to know that I'm playing a character. ”

- Terry Farrell

“ I think we didn't realize how long it was going to take with how many changes we had. If we would have had more time to do the setups, then that would have been a good idea. I got the scripts right before we started. To know what you are saying more in advance so you can make choices and know the scripts better, rather than having to rely on a teleprompter, is important because you have more confidence doing it when you know exactly what you're saying. ”

- Terry Farrell

“ Well, then it's my responsibility, too, because as an actress I have to take the responsibility for taking a part where I have to murder somebody. Is somebody going to get the idea to kill someone from watching it? I have to make the assumption that the people watching it are intelligent enough to know that I'm playing a character. ”

- Terry Farrell
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