Quotes of Teresa Of Avila - somelinesforyou

“ It is love alone that gives worth to all things. ”

- Teresa of Avila

“ Be gentle to all and stern with yourself. ”

- Teresa of Avila

“ But, as I know that strength arising from obedience has a way of simplifying things which seem impossible, my will very gladly resolves to attempt this task although the prospect seems to cause my physical nature great distress; for the Lord has not given me strength enough to enable me to wrestle continually both with sickness and with occupations of many kinds without feeling a great physical strain. May He Who has helped me by doing other and more difficult things for me help also in this: in His mercy I put my trust. ”

- Teresa of Avila

“ Humility cannot exist without love, and love cannot exist without humility. It is impossible for these virtues to exist except where there is great detachment from all created things. ”

- Teresa of Avila

“ O Lord, all our troubles come to us because we do not have our eyes fixed on you. If only we looked at the path we're walking, we would soon arrive. But, we stumble and fall a thousand times and we stray because we do not set our eyes on the true Way. ”

- Teresa of Avila

“ Remember that true humility consists in being ready for what the Lord wants to do with you and happy that he should do it, and in considering yourselves unworthy to be called his servants. ”

- Teresa of Avila

“ But, as I know that strength arising from obedience has a way of simplifying things which seem impossible, my will very gladly resolves to attempt this task although the prospect seems to cause my physical nature great distress; for the Lord has not given me strength enough to enable me to wrestle continually both with sickness and with occupations of many kinds without feeling a great physical strain. May He Who has helped me by doing other and more difficult things for me help also in this: in His mercy I put my trust. ”

- Teresa of Avila

“ Let us remember that within us there is a palace of immense magnificence. ”

- Teresa of Avila

“ The best thing must be to flee from all to the All. ”

- Teresa of Avila

“ True recollection has characteristics by which it can be easily recognized. It produces a certain effect which I do not know how to explain, but which is well understood by those who have experienced it… . It is true that recollection has several degrees, and that in the beginning these great effects are not felt, because it is not yet profound enough… ”

- Teresa of Avila

“ To argue over who is the more noble is nothing more than to dispute whether dirt is better for making bricks or for making mortar. ”

- Teresa of Avila

“ Don't be curious of matters that don't concern you; never speak of them, and don't ask about them. ”

- Teresa of Avila

“ How is it, Lord, that we are cowards in everything save in opposing thee? ”

- Teresa of Avila

“ How is it, Lord, that we are cowards in everything save in opposing thee? ”

- Teresa of Avila

“ How is it, Lord, that we are cowards in everything save in opposing thee? ”

- Teresa of Avila

“ The feeling remains that God is on the journey, too. ”

- Teresa of Avila

“ God prefers your health, and your obedience, to your penance. ”

- Teresa of Avila

“ How is it, Lord, that we are cowards in everything save in opposing thee? ”

- Teresa of Avila

“ Let nothing disturb thee, Let nothing affright thee, All things are passing, God changeth never. ”

- Teresa of Avila

“ Let nothing disturb you, nothing frighten you; all things are passing; God never changes. ”

- Teresa of Avila

“ How is it, Lord, that we are cowards in everything save in opposing thee? ”

- Teresa of Avila

“ How is it, Lord, that we are cowards in everything save in opposing thee? ”

- Teresa of Avila

“ To argue over who is the more noble is nothing more than to dispute whether dirt is better for making bricks or for making mortar. ”

- Teresa of Avila

“ Patient endurance attends to all things. ”

- Teresa of Avila

“ The saints rejoiced at injuries and persecutions, because in forgiving them they had something to present to God when they prayed to Him. ”

- Teresa of Avila

“ Holy church-that mother who is also a queen because she is a king's bride. ”

- Teresa of Avila

“ Life is to life in such a way that we are not afraid to die. ”

- Teresa of Avila

“ Let nothing disturb you, nothing frighten you; all things are passing; God never changes. ”

- Teresa of Avila

“ More tears are shed over answered prayers than unanswered ones. ”

- Teresa of Avila

“ Seldom or never is a poor man honored by the world; however worthy of honor he may be, he is apt rather to be despised by it. ”

- Teresa of Avila
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