Quotes of Sumaiya Ahmed - somelinesforyou

“ pleas for forgiveness dropping like sweat or red rain or tears from the monster’s mouth and the devil laughs scathingly “i did not control you” and misbahas become nooses throwing the world into fire and fog smears the streets ”

- Sumaiya Ahmed

“ this is a world where our pain is what god eats religion is nothing but deceit god is a cheat (if he even exists) ”

- Sumaiya Ahmed

“ her dream was dipped in honey; of a girl with hair like fire and eyes like the night sky ”

- Sumaiya Ahmed

“ when night falls, i am picturing my will be glories ”

- Sumaiya Ahmed

“ pleas for forgiveness dropping like sweat or red rain or tears from the monster’s mouth and the devil laughs scathingly “i did not control you” and misbahas become nooses throwing the world into fire and fog smears the streets ”

- Sumaiya Ahmed

“ this is a world where our pain is what god eats religion is nothing but deceit god is a cheat (if he even exists) ”

- Sumaiya Ahmed

“ her dream was dipped in honey; of a girl with hair like fire and eyes like the night sky ”

- Sumaiya Ahmed
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