Quotes of Steve King - somelinesforyou

“ I don't know of a Republican coalition opposed to spending Social Security on retirement and only retirement; I think we can win that debate. But the amount is so small, it's more symbol than substance. ”

- Steve King

“ All Americans have a sacred duty to guarantee Social Security benefits to our nation's senior citizens. ”

- Steve King

“ If she studied her history, she'd recognize Joe McCarthy was a great American hero. ”

- Steve King

“ All Americans have a sacred duty to guarantee Social Security benefits to our nation's senior citizens. ”

- Steve King

“ It is far more important that (the draft constitution) be hammered out by the Iraqi people than it is for people from the US to try to find a solution. ”

- Steve King

“ You can't attract capital investment from outside Iraq unless you have a constitution in place, a rule of law and a defined system that can guarantee property rights. ”

- Steve King

“ We need young farmers to buy land, enter the business and stay in our rural communities to raise their families. One of the most difficult challenges for beginning farmers is gaining access to adequate capital. As farming changes, we need to update the programs to meet the loan needs of those that are contemplating a farming career. ”

- Steve King

“ Our defense is still trying to find its niche. By the second half of the season I think they can be a pretty good unit. ”

- Steve King

“ If she studied her history, she'd recognize Joe McCarthy was a great American hero. ”

- Steve King

“ We need young farmers to buy land, enter the business and stay in our rural communities to raise their families. One of the most difficult challenges for beginning farmers is gaining access to adequate capital. As farming changes, we need to update the programs to meet the loan needs of those that are contemplating a farming career. ”

- Steve King

“ If she studied her history, she'd recognize Joe McCarthy was a great American hero. ”

- Steve King

“ We need young farmers to buy land, enter the business and stay in our rural communities to raise their families. One of the most difficult challenges for beginning farmers is gaining access to adequate capital. As farming changes, we need to update the programs to meet the loan needs of those that are contemplating a farming career. ”

- Steve King

“ He's kind of learning on the fly. He's an awfully good athlete. ”

- Steve King

“ We need young farmers to buy land, enter the business and stay in our rural communities to raise their families. One of the most difficult challenges for beginning farmers is gaining access to adequate capital. As farming changes, we need to update the programs to meet the loan needs of those that are contemplating a farming career. ”

- Steve King

“ All Americans have a sacred duty to guarantee Social Security benefits to our nation's senior citizens. ”

- Steve King

“ If she studied her history, she'd recognize Joe McCarthy was a great American hero. ”

- Steve King

“ He's kind of learning on the fly. He's an awfully good athlete. ”

- Steve King

“ People in this country need to put pressure on their elected representatives and ask them to find a solution. ”

- Steve King

“ We need young farmers to buy land, enter the business and stay in our rural communities to raise their families. One of the most difficult challenges for beginning farmers is gaining access to adequate capital. As farming changes, we need to update the programs to meet the loan needs of those that are contemplating a farming career. ”

- Steve King

“ Our defense is still trying to find its niche. By the second half of the season I think they can be a pretty good unit. ”

- Steve King

“ I don't know of a Republican coalition opposed to spending Social Security on retirement and only retirement; I think we can win that debate. But the amount is so small, it's more symbol than substance. ”

- Steve King

“ Our defense is still trying to find its niche. By the second half of the season I think they can be a pretty good unit. ”

- Steve King

“ We need young farmers to buy land, enter the business and stay in our rural communities to raise their families. One of the most difficult challenges for beginning farmers is gaining access to adequate capital. As farming changes, we need to update the programs to meet the loan needs of those that are contemplating a farming career. ”

- Steve King

“ Our defense is still trying to find its niche. By the second half of the season I think they can be a pretty good unit. ”

- Steve King

“ All Americans have a sacred duty to guarantee Social Security benefits to our nation's senior citizens. ”

- Steve King

“ All Americans have a sacred duty to guarantee Social Security benefits to our nation's senior citizens. ”

- Steve King

“ I don't know of a Republican coalition opposed to spending Social Security on retirement and only retirement; I think we can win that debate. But the amount is so small, it's more symbol than substance. ”

- Steve King

“ All Americans have a sacred duty to guarantee Social Security benefits to our nation's senior citizens. ”

- Steve King

“ Our defense is still trying to find its niche. By the second half of the season I think they can be a pretty good unit. ”

- Steve King

“ Our defense is still trying to find its niche. By the second half of the season I think they can be a pretty good unit. ”

- Steve King
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