Quotes of Steve Chandler - somelinesforyou

“ Some people us language to describe the lives they lead, and other people use language to create the lives they lead. ”

- Steve Chandler

“ Allowing success is the opposite of forcing success. ”

- Steve Chandler

“ Not being excited is to have missed the whole point of life. ”

- Steve Chandler

“ The first step toward building willpower is to celebrate the fact that you've got it. You've got willpower, just like that muscle in your arm. It might not be a very strong muscle, but you do have that muscle. ”

- Steve Chandler

“ Listen to the clues. The next time you feel real joy, stop and think. Pay attention. Because joy is the universe's way of knocking on your mind's door. Hello in there. Is anyone home? Can I leave a message? Yes? Good! The message is that you are happy, and that means that you are in touch with your purpose. ”

- Steve Chandler

“ When I am happy, I see the happiness in others. When I am depressed, I notice that people's eyes look sad. When I am weary, I see the world as boring and unattractive. ”

- Steve Chandler

“ When I am happy, I see the happiness in others. When I am depressed, I notice that people's eyes look sad. When I am weary, I see the world as boring and unattractive. ”

- Steve Chandler

“ Listen to the clues. The next time you feel real joy, stop and think. Pay attention. Because joy is the universe's way of knocking on your mind's door. Hello in there. Is anyone home? Can I leave a message? Yes? Good! The message is that you are happy, and that means that you are in touch with your purpose. ”

- Steve Chandler

“ Listen to the clues. The next time you feel real joy, stop and think. Pay attention. Because joy is the universe's way of knocking on your mind's door. Hello in there. Is anyone home? Can I leave a message? Yes? Good! The message is that you are happy, and that means that you are in touch with your purpose. ”

- Steve Chandler

“ Listen to the clues. The next time you feel real joy, stop and think. Pay attention. Because joy is the universe's way of knocking on your mind's door. Hello in there. Is anyone home? Can I leave a message? Yes? Good! The message is that you are happy, and that means that you are in touch with your purpose. ”

- Steve Chandler

“ Listen to the clues. The next time you feel real joy, stop and think. Pay attention. Because joy is the universe's way of knocking on your mind's door. Hello in there. Is anyone home? Can I leave a message? Yes? Good! The message is that you are happy, and that means that you are in touch with your purpose. ”

- Steve Chandler

“ The first step toward building willpower is to celebrate the fact that you've got it. You've got willpower, just like that muscle in your arm. It might not be a very strong muscle, but you do have that muscle. ”

- Steve Chandler

“ There are certain families in the world that just get an inordinate amount of tragedy. That's just what happened here. ”

- Steve Chandler

“ Self-pity is like a snake that gets in your brain and lays its eggs there. ”

- Steve Chandler

“ The first step toward building willpower is to celebrate the fact that you've got it. You've got willpower, just like that muscle in your arm. It might not be a very strong muscle, but you do have that muscle. ”

- Steve Chandler

“ Self-pity is like a snake that gets in your brain and lays its eggs there. ”

- Steve Chandler

“ The first step toward building willpower is to celebrate the fact that you've got it. You've got willpower, just like that muscle in your arm. It might not be a very strong muscle, but you do have that muscle. ”

- Steve Chandler

“ The first step toward building willpower is to celebrate the fact that you've got it. You've got willpower, just like that muscle in your arm. It might not be a very strong muscle, but you do have that muscle. ”

- Steve Chandler

“ The first step toward building willpower is to celebrate the fact that you've got it. You've got willpower, just like that muscle in your arm. It might not be a very strong muscle, but you do have that muscle. ”

- Steve Chandler

“ There are certain families in the world that just get an inordinate amount of tragedy. That's just what happened here. ”

- Steve Chandler

“ The first step toward building willpower is to celebrate the fact that you've got it. You've got willpower, just like that muscle in your arm. It might not be a very strong muscle, but you do have that muscle. ”

- Steve Chandler
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