Quotes of Steve Burns - somelinesforyou

“ We can't ever have the doc think the device is biased in one way or another. Few of the large pharmaceutical organizations have not approached us. ”

- Steve Burns

“ Eat as much as you like - just don't swallow it. ”

- Steve Burns

“ We don't have money for a big media campaign to influence public opinion, so I think what we're going to see is basically public opinion in its raw form. ”

- Steve Burns

“ We can't ever have the doc think the device is biased in one way or another. Few of the large pharmaceutical organizations have not approached us. ”

- Steve Burns

“ The debate is important to show people that the war is a local issue. ”

- Steve Burns

“ We can't ever have the doc think the device is biased in one way or another. Few of the large pharmaceutical organizations have not approached us. ”

- Steve Burns

“ Our intention is after April 4 to assess where we're at. In places that weren't able to get it on the ballot in time for April, we will really push and see if they can get this on the ballot in November, regardless of how the election turns out. ”

- Steve Burns

“ Eat as much as you like - just don't swallow it. ”

- Steve Burns

“ We can't ever have the doc think the device is biased in one way or another. Few of the large pharmaceutical organizations have not approached us. ”

- Steve Burns

“ Our intention is after April 4 to assess where we're at. In places that weren't able to get it on the ballot in time for April, we will really push and see if they can get this on the ballot in November, regardless of how the election turns out. ”

- Steve Burns
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