Quotes of Stephanie Perkins - somelinesforyou

“ The more you know who you are, and what you want, the less you let things upset you. ”

- Stephanie Perkins

“ I don’t believe in fashion. I believe in costume. Life is too short to be same person every day. ”

- Stephanie Perkins

“ For the two of us, home isn’t a place. It is a person. And we are finally home. ”

- Stephanie Perkins

“ For the two of us, home isn't a place. It is a person. And we are finally home. ”

- Stephanie Perkins

“ I'm saying I'm in love with you! I've been in love with you this whole bleeding year! ”

- Stephanie Perkins

“ I look at you, and I think about you, and ... I don't know. No one has ever confounded me the way you do. ”

- Stephanie Perkins

“ Yes, St. Claire. I like you. But I can't say it aloud, because he's my friend. And friends don't let other friends make drunken declarations and expect them to act upon them the next day ”

- Stephanie Perkins

“ It's become impossible to deny he means something to me. ”

- Stephanie Perkins

“ The more you know who you are, and what you want, the less you let things upset you. ”

- Stephanie Perkins

“ Life isn’t about what you get, it’s about what you DO with what you get. ”

- Stephanie Perkins

“ French name, English accent, American school. Anna confused. ”

- Stephanie Perkins

“ I mean, really. Who sends their kid to boarding school? It's so Hogwarts. Only mine doesn't have cute boy wizards or magic candy or flying lessons. ”

- Stephanie Perkins

“ Soap?" "School of America in Paris" he explains. "SOAP". Nice. My father sent me here to be cleansed. ”

- Stephanie Perkins

“ The only French word I know is oui, which means “yes,” and only recently did I learn it’s spelled o​u​i and not w​e​e. ”

- Stephanie Perkins

“ St. Clair clears his throat. 'My fiancée and I are headed out for a celebratory dessert. I'd ask you all to join us, but I don't want you there. ”

- Stephanie Perkins

“ I'm sorry," he says. "What? Why?" "You're fixing everything I set down." He nods at my hands, which are readjusting the elephant. "It wasn't polite of me to come in and start touching your things." "Oh, it's okay," I say quickly, letting go of the figurine. "You can touch anything of mine you want." He freezes. A funny look runs across his face before I realize what I've said. I didn't mean it like that. Not that that would be so bad. ”

- Stephanie Perkins

“ What...what about when I'm married?” “We'll buy a cot. Your husband can sleep on that when he visits. ”

- Stephanie Perkins

“ Har. Bloody. Har. ”

- Stephanie Perkins

“ Closed. Plenty of time to see it later, remember?" He leads me into the courtyard, and I take the opportunity to admire his backside. Callipygian. There is something better than NotreDame. ”

- Stephanie Perkins

“ Cricket Bell.” I smiled into my phone. “How did you get so wise? ”

- Stephanie Perkins

“ If I weren't standing next to your boyfriend, I'd be tempted to ask you out myself." She blushes, and St. Clair bounds inside the box office and wrestles her into a hug. "Miiiiiiiiine!" he says. "Cut it out." Anna pushes him off, laughing. "You'll get fired. And then I'll have to support your sorry arse for the rest of our lives. ”

- Stephanie Perkins

“ Phones are distracting. The internet is distracting.The way he looked at you? He wasn't distracted. He was consumed. ”

- Stephanie Perkins

“ Welcome to Paris, Anna. I'm glad you've come. ”

- Stephanie Perkins

“ Closed. Plenty of time to see it later, remember?" He leads me into the courtyard, and I take the opportunity to admire his backside. Callipygian. There is something better than NotreDame. ”

- Stephanie Perkins

“ We straighten , bu our snickering is barely contained as we attempt to focus our attention on a picture of a discarded Coke can. "This guy's lady love is kind of a slob, don't you think?" he whispers. I cover my mouth with my hands again. "A reaaaaaaaal litterbug." "Stop it," I hiss. My eyes are watering. "Ohmygod look at this one! How did he get her toenail clippings?" "If you were my girl," he whispers, "I'd take creepy pictures of your trash when I knew you weren't looking." "If you were my girl," I whisper back," I"d put the creepy pictures in a foreign museum so you wouldn't know that I take creepy pictures. ”

- Stephanie Perkins

“ For the two of us, home isn't a place. It is a person. And we are finally home. ”

- Stephanie Perkins

“ You ought to stop listening to stereotypes and start forming your own opinions. ”

- Stephanie Perkins
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