Quotes of St. Catherine Of Genoa - somelinesforyou

“ God created the soul pure, simple and clean of all stain of sin, with a certain beatific instinct towards Himself whence original sin, which the soul finds in itself, draws it away, and when actual is added to original sin the soul is drawn yet further away. The further it departs from its beatific instinct, the more malignant it becomes because it corresponds less to God. ”

- St. Catherine of Genoa

“ When the soul is naughted and transformed, then of herself she neither works nor speaks nor wills, nor feels nor hears nor understands; neither has she of herself the feeling of outward or inward, where she may move. And in all things it is God who rules and guides her, without the meditation of any creature… And she is so full of peace that thought she pressed her flesh, her nerves, her bones, no other thing come forth from them than peace. ”

- St. Catherine of Genoa

“ When the soul is naughted and transformed, then of herself she neither works nor speaks nor wills, nor feels nor hears nor understands; neither has she of herself the feeling of outward or inward, where she may move. And in all things it is God who rules and guides her, without the meditation of any creature… And she is so full of peace that thought she pressed her flesh, her nerves, her bones, no other thing come forth from them than peace. ”

- St. Catherine of Genoa

“ We must not wish anything other than what happens from moment to moment, all the while, however, exercising ourselves in goodness. ”

- St. Catherine of Genoa

“ When the soul is naughted and transformed, then of herself she neither works nor speaks nor wills, nor feels nor hears nor understands; neither has she of herself the feeling of outward or inward, where she may move. And in all things it is God who rules and guides her, without the meditation of any creature… And she is so full of peace that thought she pressed her flesh, her nerves, her bones, no other thing come forth from them than peace. ”

- St. Catherine of Genoa

“ When the soul is naughted and transformed, then of herself she neither works nor speaks nor wills, nor feels nor hears nor understands; neither has she of herself the feeling of outward or inward, where she may move. And in all things it is God who rules and guides her, without the meditation of any creature… And she is so full of peace that thought she pressed her flesh, her nerves, her bones, no other thing come forth from them than peace. ”

- St. Catherine of Genoa

“ We must not wish anything other than what happens from moment to moment, all the while, however, exercising ourselves in goodness. ”

- St. Catherine of Genoa

“ When the soul is naughted and transformed, then of herself she neither works nor speaks nor wills, nor feels nor hears nor understands; neither has she of herself the feeling of outward or inward, where she may move. And in all things it is God who rules and guides her, without the meditation of any creature… And she is so full of peace that thought she pressed her flesh, her nerves, her bones, no other thing come forth from them than peace. ”

- St. Catherine of Genoa

“ When the soul is naughted and transformed, then of herself she neither works nor speaks nor wills, nor feels nor hears nor understands; neither has she of herself the feeling of outward or inward, where she may move. And in all things it is God who rules and guides her, without the meditation of any creature… And she is so full of peace that thought she pressed her flesh, her nerves, her bones, no other thing come forth from them than peace. ”

- St. Catherine of Genoa

“ When the soul is naughted and transformed, then of herself she neither works nor speaks nor wills, nor feels nor hears nor understands; neither has she of herself the feeling of outward or inward, where she may move. And in all things it is God who rules and guides her, without the meditation of any creature… And she is so full of peace that thought she pressed her flesh, her nerves, her bones, no other thing come forth from them than peace. ”

- St. Catherine of Genoa

“ When the soul is naughted and transformed, then of herself she neither works nor speaks nor wills, nor feels nor hears nor understands; neither has she of herself the feeling of outward or inward, where she may move. And in all things it is God who rules and guides her, without the meditation of any creature… And she is so full of peace that thought she pressed her flesh, her nerves, her bones, no other thing come forth from them than peace. ”

- St. Catherine of Genoa

“ When the soul is naughted and transformed, then of herself she neither works nor speaks nor wills, nor feels nor hears nor understands; neither has she of herself the feeling of outward or inward, where she may move. And in all things it is God who rules and guides her, without the meditation of any creature… And she is so full of peace that thought she pressed her flesh, her nerves, her bones, no other thing come forth from them than peace. ”

- St. Catherine of Genoa

“ When the soul is naughted and transformed, then of herself she neither works nor speaks nor wills, nor feels nor hears nor understands; neither has she of herself the feeling of outward or inward, where she may move. And in all things it is God who rules and guides her, without the meditation of any creature… And she is so full of peace that thought she pressed her flesh, her nerves, her bones, no other thing come forth from them than peace. ”

- St. Catherine of Genoa

“ When the soul is naughted and transformed, then of herself she neither works nor speaks nor wills, nor feels nor hears nor understands; neither has she of herself the feeling of outward or inward, where she may move. And in all things it is God who rules and guides her, without the meditation of any creature… And she is so full of peace that thought she pressed her flesh, her nerves, her bones, no other thing come forth from them than peace. ”

- St. Catherine of Genoa

“ When the soul is naughted and transformed, then of herself she neither works nor speaks nor wills, nor feels nor hears nor understands; neither has she of herself the feeling of outward or inward, where she may move. And in all things it is God who rules and guides her, without the meditation of any creature… And she is so full of peace that thought she pressed her flesh, her nerves, her bones, no other thing come forth from them than peace. ”

- St. Catherine of Genoa

“ When the soul is naughted and transformed, then of herself she neither works nor speaks nor wills, nor feels nor hears nor understands; neither has she of herself the feeling of outward or inward, where she may move. And in all things it is God who rules and guides her, without the meditation of any creature… And she is so full of peace that thought she pressed her flesh, her nerves, her bones, no other thing come forth from them than peace. ”

- St. Catherine of Genoa

“ When the soul is naughted and transformed, then of herself she neither works nor speaks nor wills, nor feels nor hears nor understands; neither has she of herself the feeling of outward or inward, where she may move. And in all things it is God who rules and guides her, without the meditation of any creature… And she is so full of peace that thought she pressed her flesh, her nerves, her bones, no other thing come forth from them than peace. ”

- St. Catherine of Genoa

“ We must not wish anything other than what happens from moment to moment, all the while, however, exercising ourselves in goodness. ”

- St. Catherine of Genoa

“ We must not wish anything other than what happens from moment to moment, all the while, however, exercising ourselves in goodness. ”

- St. Catherine of Genoa
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