Quotes of Sisters Of Mercy - somelinesforyou

“ I don't exist when you don't see me. ”

- Sisters of Mercy

“ You can lease the peace of mind. You bought a mask, I put it on. You never thought to ask me if I wear it when you're gone. ”

- Sisters of Mercy

“ I don't exist when you don't see me. ”

- Sisters of Mercy

“ You can lease the peace of mind. You bought a mask, I put it on. You never thought to ask me if I wear it when you're gone. ”

- Sisters of Mercy

“ You can lease the peace of mind. You bought a mask, I put it on. You never thought to ask me if I wear it when you're gone. ”

- Sisters of Mercy

“ You can lease the peace of mind. You bought a mask, I put it on. You never thought to ask me if I wear it when you're gone. ”

- Sisters of Mercy

“ I don't exist when you don't see me. ”

- Sisters of Mercy

“ You can lease the peace of mind. You bought a mask, I put it on. You never thought to ask me if I wear it when you're gone. ”

- Sisters of Mercy
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