Quotes of Sir William Jones - somelinesforyou

“ My opinion is, that power should always be distrusted, in whatever hands it is placed. ”

- Sir William Jones

“ The only road to the highest stations in this country is that of the law. ”

- Sir William Jones

“ The only road to the highest stations in this country is that of the law. ”

- Sir William Jones

“ My opinion is, that power should always be distrusted, in whatever hands it is placed. ”

- Sir William Jones

“ The only road to the highest stations in this country is that of the law. ”

- Sir William Jones

“ The only road to the highest stations in this country is that of the law. ”

- Sir William Jones

“ My opinion is, that power should always be distrusted, in whatever hands it is placed. ”

- Sir William Jones

“ My opinion is, that power should always be distrusted, in whatever hands it is placed. ”

- Sir William Jones
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