Quotes of Sigourney Weaver - somelinesforyou

“ I worked hard and made my own way, just as my father had. And just, I'm sure, as he hoped I would. I learned, from observing him, the satisfaction that comes from striving and seeing a dream fulfilled. ”

- Sigourney Weaver

“ I worked hard and made my own way, just as my father had. And just, I'm sure, as he hoped I would. I learned, from observing him, the satisfaction that comes from striving and seeing a dream fulfilled. ”

- Sigourney Weaver

“ I worked hard and made my own way, just as my father had. And just, I'm sure, as he hoped I would. I learned, from observing him, the satisfaction that comes from striving and seeing a dream fulfilled. ”

- Sigourney Weaver

“ I worked hard and made my own way, just as my father had. And just, I'm sure, as he hoped I would. I learned, from observing him, the satisfaction that comes from striving and seeing a dream fulfilled. ”

- Sigourney Weaver

“ Whether it was work, marriage, or family, I've always been a late bloomer. ”

- Sigourney Weaver

“ Whether it was work, marriage, or family, I've always been a late bloomer. ”

- Sigourney Weaver

“ I worked hard and made my own way, just as my father had. And just, I'm sure, as he hoped I would. I learned, from observing him, the satisfaction that comes from striving and seeing a dream fulfilled. ”

- Sigourney Weaver

“ Never burn bridges. Today's junior jerk, tomorrow's senior partner. ”

- Sigourney Weaver

“ Whether it was work, marriage, or family, I've always been a late bloomer. ”

- Sigourney Weaver

“ I worked hard and made my own way, just as my father had. And just, I'm sure, as he hoped I would. I learned, from observing him, the satisfaction that comes from striving and seeing a dream fulfilled. ”

- Sigourney Weaver

“ Whether it was work, marriage, or family, I've always been a late bloomer. ”

- Sigourney Weaver

“ I worked hard and made my own way, just as my father had. And just, I'm sure, as he hoped I would. I learned, from observing him, the satisfaction that comes from striving and seeing a dream fulfilled. ”

- Sigourney Weaver
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