Quotes of Siegfried Sassoon - somelinesforyou

“ In me the tiger sniffs the rose. ”

- Siegfried Sassoon

“ Mute in that golden silence hung with green, Come down from heaven and bring me in your eyes Remembrance of all beauty that has been, And stillness from the pools of Paradise. ”

- Siegfried Sassoon

“ Speak, roofless Nature, your instinctive words; And let me learn your secret from the sky, Following a flock of steadfastjourneying birds In lone remote migration beating by. December stillness, crossed by twilight roads, Teach me to travel far and bear my loads. ”

- Siegfried Sassoon

“ Sitting here I glance over my right shoulder at the little row of books, red and green and blue, which stand waiting for my hand, offering their accumulated riches. I think of the years that may be in store for me, and of all the pages I may turn. ”

- Siegfried Sassoon

“ In me the tiger sniffs the rose. ”

- Siegfried Sassoon

“ Soldiers are dreamers; when the guns begin they think of firelit homes, clean beds, and wives. ”

- Siegfried Sassoon

“ In me the tiger sniffs the rose. ”

- Siegfried Sassoon

“ In me the tiger sniffs the rose. ”

- Siegfried Sassoon

“ In me the tiger sniffs the rose. ”

- Siegfried Sassoon

“ In me the tiger sniffs the rose. ”

- Siegfried Sassoon

“ In me the tiger sniffs the rose. ”

- Siegfried Sassoon

“ Man,it seemed,had been created to jab the life out of Germans. ”

- Siegfried Sassoon

“ In me the tiger sniffs the rose. ”

- Siegfried Sassoon

“ In me the tiger sniffs the rose. ”

- Siegfried Sassoon

“ In me the tiger sniffs the rose. ”

- Siegfried Sassoon

“ In me the tiger sniffs the rose. ”

- Siegfried Sassoon

“ Man,it seemed,had been created to jab the life out of Germans. ”

- Siegfried Sassoon

“ Man,it seemed,had been created to jab the life out of Germans. ”

- Siegfried Sassoon

“ In me the tiger sniffs the rose. ”

- Siegfried Sassoon

“ In me the tiger sniffs the rose. ”

- Siegfried Sassoon
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