Quotes of Shirley Jackson - somelinesforyou

“ I delight in what I fear. ”

- Shirley Jackson

“ So long as you write it away regularly nothing can really hurt you. ”

- Shirley Jackson

“ In the country of the story the writer is king. ”

- Shirley Jackson

“ Now, I have nothing against the public school system as it is presently organized, once you allow the humor of its basic assumption about how it is possible to teach things to children.... ”

- Shirley Jackson

“ Now, I have nothing against the public school system as it is presently organized, once you allow the humor of its basic assumption about how it is possible to teach things to children.... ”

- Shirley Jackson

“ Materializations are often best produced in rooms where there are books. I cannot think of any time when materialization was in any way hampered by the presence of books. ”

- Shirley Jackson

“ I never was a person who wanted a handout. I was a cafeteria worker. I'm not too proud to ask the Best Western manager to give me a job. I have cleaned homes. ”

- Shirley Jackson

“ I never was a person who wanted a handout. I was a cafeteria worker. I'm not too proud to ask the Best Western manager to give me a job. I have cleaned homes. ”

- Shirley Jackson

“ It has long been my belief that in times of great stress, such as a 4-day vacation, the thin veneer of family wears off almost at once, and we are revealed in our true personalities. ”

- Shirley Jackson

“ It has long been my belief that in times of great stress, such as a 4-day vacation, the thin veneer of family wears off almost at once, and we are revealed in our true personalities. ”

- Shirley Jackson

“ I never was a person who wanted a handout. I was a cafeteria worker. I'm not too proud to ask the Best Western manager to give me a job. I have cleaned homes. ”

- Shirley Jackson

“ It has long been my belief that in times of great stress, such as a 4-day vacation, the thin veneer of family wears off almost at once, and we are revealed in our true personalities. ”

- Shirley Jackson

“ I never was a person who wanted a handout. I was a cafeteria worker. I'm not too proud to ask the Best Western manager to give me a job. I have cleaned homes. ”

- Shirley Jackson

“ It has long been my belief that in times of great stress, such as a 4-day vacation, the thin veneer of family wears off almost at once, and we are revealed in our true personalities. ”

- Shirley Jackson

“ No live organism can continue for long to exist sanely under conditions of absolute reality. ”

- Shirley Jackson

“ It has long been my belief that in times of great stress, such as a 4-day vacation, the thin veneer of family wears off almost at once, and we are revealed in our true personalities. ”

- Shirley Jackson

“ I never was a person who wanted a handout. I was a cafeteria worker. I'm not too proud to ask the Best Western manager to give me a job. I have cleaned homes. ”

- Shirley Jackson

“ It has long been my belief that in times of great stress, such as a 4-day vacation, the thin veneer of family wears off almost at once, and we are revealed in our true personalities. ”

- Shirley Jackson

“ It has long been my belief that in times of great stress, such as a 4-day vacation, the thin veneer of family wears off almost at once, and we are revealed in our true personalities. ”

- Shirley Jackson

“ No live organism can continue for long to exist sanely under conditions of absolute reality. ”

- Shirley Jackson

“ No live organism can continue for long to exist sanely under conditions of absolute reality. ”

- Shirley Jackson

“ It has long been my belief that in times of great stress, such as a 4-day vacation, the thin veneer of family wears off almost at once, and we are revealed in our true personalities. ”

- Shirley Jackson

“ It has long been my belief that in times of great stress, such as a 4-day vacation, the thin veneer of family wears off almost at once, and we are revealed in our true personalities. ”

- Shirley Jackson

“ It has long been my belief that in times of great stress, such as a 4-day vacation, the thin veneer of family wears off almost at once, and we are revealed in our true personalities. ”

- Shirley Jackson

“ It has long been my belief that in times of great stress, such as a 4-day vacation, the thin veneer of family wears off almost at once, and we are revealed in our true personalities. ”

- Shirley Jackson

“ It has long been my belief that in times of great stress, such as a 4-day vacation, the thin veneer of family wears off almost at once, and we are revealed in our true personalities. ”

- Shirley Jackson
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