Quotes of Shenita Etwaroo - somelinesforyou

“ Having faith is bravery. Faith requires no evidence, just tremendous strength of spirit and a mind that conquers doubt.” Shenita Etwaroo ”

- Shenita Etwaroo

“ Christian Faith For me, being a Christian is all about true love. The Gospel of John instructs us, “Dear Friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.” I believe that first we need to love ourselves, even when we are told that we do not deserve love. Then we need to love others, especially those who have not been treated with love. And of course, we need to love Jesus. Love for Jesus can be the foundation for living a good life, a life full of compassion and joy. Loving Jesus is where I believe a Christian life starts, because that love spreads all around, to people, animals, and the world. Animal Rights During my life so far, animals have brought me joy and comfort when I thought that I would never find happiness. My bunny Neon taught me so much about unconditional love. This experience showed me that animals have souls deserving of love just as much as humans, and they can be some of the purest examples of God’s love on Earth. I believe we can all show animals the compassion and love they deserve by choosing products that are furfree and crueltyfree and by eating a vegan diet. Even people who aren’t prepared to commit to a vegan lifestyle can make thoughtful everyday choices that reduce needless cruelty against animals. Human Rights I have myself been a victim of abuse, so I know how hopeless life can seem to those in dark situations. However, I also know how much of a difference a small ray of light can make. My goal in life now is to shine that ray of light onto as many people in need as possible. As an advocate for human rights, I aim to raise awareness and help others who are suffering. From volunteering for organizations, to simply looking out for a neighbor or friend, we can all make a difference in helping others. Human rights of freedom and safety belong to each of us, and we all have a responsibility to support people who are the most vulnerable. ”

- Shenita Etwaroo

“ Inviting harmony into our lives can be as simple as smiling at someone who is downtrodden, because something as simple as a smile communicates human compassion and understanding. Shenita Etwaroo ”

- Shenita Etwaroo

“ The myth of the radical animal rights activist is still alive and well today, thanks to some wellpublicized stunts from over twenty years ago. I’m not going to throw paint on your fur coat, but I will look at you and be unable to see anything but suffering and a lack of compassion.” Shenita Etwaroo ”

- Shenita Etwaroo

“ Having faith is bravery. Faith requires no evidence, just tremendous strength of spirit and a mind that conquers doubt.” Shenita Etwaroo ”

- Shenita Etwaroo

“ Christian Faith For me, being a Christian is all about true love. The Gospel of John instructs us, “Dear Friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.” I believe that first we need to love ourselves, even when we are told that we do not deserve love. Then we need to love others, especially those who have not been treated with love. And of course, we need to love Jesus. Love for Jesus can be the foundation for living a good life, a life full of compassion and joy. Loving Jesus is where I believe a Christian life starts, because that love spreads all around, to people, animals, and the world. Animal Rights During my life so far, animals have brought me joy and comfort when I thought that I would never find happiness. My bunny Neon taught me so much about unconditional love. This experience showed me that animals have souls deserving of love just as much as humans, and they can be some of the purest examples of God’s love on Earth. I believe we can all show animals the compassion and love they deserve by choosing products that are furfree and crueltyfree and by eating a vegan diet. Even people who aren’t prepared to commit to a vegan lifestyle can make thoughtful everyday choices that reduce needless cruelty against animals. Human Rights I have myself been a victim of abuse, so I know how hopeless life can seem to those in dark situations. However, I also know how much of a difference a small ray of light can make. My goal in life now is to shine that ray of light onto as many people in need as possible. As an advocate for human rights, I aim to raise awareness and help others who are suffering. From volunteering for organizations, to simply looking out for a neighbor or friend, we can all make a difference in helping others. Human rights of freedom and safety belong to each of us, and we all have a responsibility to support people who are the most vulnerable. ”

- Shenita Etwaroo

“ When there are a thousand outside voices telling me that I should dress this way, eat this way, go to this club, shop at this mall, the one true place I can look to for peace of mind and inner tranquillity is the Word of God.” Shenita Etwaroo ”

- Shenita Etwaroo

“ Learn to live a day at a time. Yesterday is history, let it slide. Today is come, make good use of it by utilizing it to the best, because really, there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. His blood has made us whole. Tomorrow is a mystery, just pray and believe in God for the best.” II Corinthians 5:17 Shenita Etwaroo ”

- Shenita Etwaroo

“ The road to success is never that smooth. There are obvious portholes you would step in. There are hills you must cross, and you will. Thus, no matter how rough your journey might be, keep up hopes in God so you will not falter. No matter how dark the days might seem, don’t forget to smile, and always have it at the back of your mind that there is light at the end of the tunnel.” It takes a broad smile to make a dark day seem so bright. Psalm 119:105 Shenita Etwaroo ”

- Shenita Etwaroo

“ The Lord is righteous and Mighty in power. In as much as you believe in Him, He will always be with you and never let you down. You have nothing to fear…God is always with you.” Isiah 41:2 Shenita Etwaroo ”

- Shenita Etwaroo

“ There’s absolutely no power, forces or demon that can hinder the firm resolve of a soul fully determined to serve the Lord. For such soul shall do all things wonderfully and reap fruits bountifully.” Philippians 4:13 Shenita Etwaroo ”

- Shenita Etwaroo

“ Believe in Christ with the abundance of your heart and you will surely live in abundance. For everything that you need to sustain through life would be provided by God. Your needs are gracefully met.” Philippians 4:19 Shenita Etwaroo ”

- Shenita Etwaroo

“ Everything happens for a reason, that’s why it’s said that every delay is a blessing. Hard times will come, don’t ever allow it to weigh you down or stop you from serving God continuously. Sometimes, God only wants to see how much you believe in him as you claim. There’s no repose, no delay or unforeseen circumstances that befall a man without the knowledge of God. Keep up the faith and rejoice!” I Corinthians 10:13 Shenita Etwaroo ”

- Shenita Etwaroo

“ We would be called democracy so long we have enough people in this world willing to fight for their rights.” Shenita Etwaroo ”

- Shenita Etwaroo

“ You can exile a man, but you can never exile his idea. You can lock a man up in the prison, but an idea cannot be imprisoned. You can kill a man, but an idea can never be killed.” Shenita Etwaroo ”

- Shenita Etwaroo

“ We need officials who will commit to the health of the nation and the rights of the people, through electing the right people, however, we would be able to ensure that no private sector institution and no group of ideologues can coopt our rights, drive us into insensible wars and steal the nation from its people.” Shenita Etwaroo ”

- Shenita Etwaroo

“ Today, something can still be done by those who feel a sense of impotence: they can render support to Amnesty International. They can assist it to stand up for justice and freedom.” Shenita Etwaroo ”

- Shenita Etwaroo

“ Everyone has a right to the alleviation of suffering, the basic personal freedoms, peaceful coexistence and the opportunity to lead a productive life…” Shenita Etwaroo ”

- Shenita Etwaroo

“ Human rights were not invented by Americans. It is the other way around in a very real sense. Human rights invented America.” Shenita Etwaroo ”

- Shenita Etwaroo

“ Torture is still being committed in secret in most part of the world even though it’s banned in twothirds of the world’s countries. Too many governments still give chance to disappearance, murder or unlawful imprisonment to be exercised by their officials with impunity. If we really want to make the world a better place, these definitely has to stop.” Shenita Etwaroo ”

- Shenita Etwaroo

“ It’s a sick irony that the top elite conservatives of the United States expect every single school child to recite a pledge that boasts freedom and justice for all, when they really only want it for themselves.” Shenita Etwaroo ”

- Shenita Etwaroo

“ We seem to be laboring under the delusion that none of us can possibly be special. We used to tell people that everyone is special, but this new attitude of pessimism is not helping us move forward. Of course everyone is special. That doesn’t make everyone capable of being an astronaut, but they’re still special.” Shenita Etwaroo ”

- Shenita Etwaroo
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