Quotes of Shalom Harlow - somelinesforyou

“ You don't learn style from watching people on a runway. Fashion happens every morning when you wake up. ”

- Shalom Harlow

“ I feel more comfortable with my clothes off than on! ”

- Shalom Harlow

“ You don't learn style from watching people on a runway. Fashion happens every morning when you wake up. ”

- Shalom Harlow

“ I feel more comfortable with my clothes off than on! ”

- Shalom Harlow

“ I feel more comfortable with my clothes off than on! ”

- Shalom Harlow

“ You don't learn style from watching people on a runway. Fashion happens every morning when you wake up. ”

- Shalom Harlow

“ You don't learn style from watching people on a runway. Fashion happens every morning when you wake up. ”

- Shalom Harlow

“ These girls can't earn a living in the city and must move on to the fashion capitals to be successful. ”

- Shalom Harlow

“ These girls can't earn a living in the city and must move on to the fashion capitals to be successful. ”

- Shalom Harlow

“ You don't learn style from watching people on a runway. Fashion happens every morning when you wake up. ”

- Shalom Harlow

“ These girls can't earn a living in the city and must move on to the fashion capitals to be successful. ”

- Shalom Harlow

“ You don't learn style from watching people on a runway. Fashion happens every morning when you wake up. ”

- Shalom Harlow

“ These girls can't earn a living in the city and must move on to the fashion capitals to be successful. ”

- Shalom Harlow

“ I feel more comfortable with my clothes off than on! ”

- Shalom Harlow

“ You don't learn style from watching people on a runway. Fashion happens every morning when you wake up. ”

- Shalom Harlow

“ You don't learn style from watching people on a runway. Fashion happens every morning when you wake up. ”

- Shalom Harlow
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